Thursday, May 22, 2008

1. Patience.

Last week, I celebrated my first anniversary of blogging. Nonetheless, I have been writing since December 2006 but my first post was published on May 17, 2007.

In this one year long journey, I have composed 41 posts. I never knew in one year I would write so much. I always dreamt of publishing a book for myself. After a mere 14 months of writing, I published a book which had my name as an author.

I would always be pretty my impatient in life. I would always feel, I should achieve the target in no time. Either I wanted everything rapidly or I didn’t want it. My focus would always be on the result. This resulted in lack of concentration on the road towards the destination. Hence, I would tend to give up. Once I would give up, I would happily accept that this is not what I am supposed to do and so it’s good that I gave up. Had it been that I would have continued to carry on; I would have never reached the destination and ultimately would have wasted the time walking.

Whenever I have achieved something in life, I would look back and visualize my entire journey. I could see that I started from no where and have reached somewhere. When I had actually started, I certainly had a target in my mind and also a determination of achieving that target. However, I would have just set my focus on the current step. At the milestone, I would have started working on the next one. In other words, I can say that the main target was forked into smaller targets.

One thing I realize here is all this have always happened only with an objective or survival or a fear of insecurity. Whatever I feel I have achieved was with a firm thinking that if I don’t accomplish this, how will I earn the bread for my living? Let it be education, higher studies, job, investments, etc. I have always been patient for these things.

What about those things in life which I always want to do but somehow they are not in the mandatory list? For all such things, I certainly have a liking to achieve them but either it should be quick or it should come to me with hardly any efforts required. Somehow, for such things I don’t believe in the theory of brick by brick building the house. For all such things that pop up in my mind as a result of some kind of influence, I always want to experience the result instantly. If I am influenced by a sports bike, I want to see it parked outside my apartment in a few hours. If I am influenced by some one playing guitar, I want to see myself on a stage as a guitarist instantly. This is no dream. Hence, it doesn’t happen in reality which results in giving up.

Can I not feel that these things are also vital for my survival? Can I not set up my game plan? Can I not have that patience of going thru the milestones? Let me patiently ask my self and wait for the replies coming from within.