Sunday, September 30, 2012

1. I&It.

An object is germinated… It takes a shape and a form… It is so new that a word for it is like a world and world is just a word…

In the defined norms, it grows… Well, the shape and form does, for sure…

Looks around and checks out the so called grown-ups… Tries to imitate… Either sets itself a target of growth or else is imposed upon one…

Why? Doesn’t appear…
What? Is out of question…
How? Is just to follow the suite…
Where? No where…

If it stops at why, can never ‘grow’…

What? How? Can make it think for a while but too less time to create own road so better to take the road – tried, tested and experienced by senior objects…

Where? If it thinks just no where, it goes crazy hence ‘where?’ is certainly defined, obviously as per norms…

Start with definition of somewhere – for instance – money, ambition, power i.e. MAP with a direction of happiness, satisfaction, relief… Although, all 3 transitory since after relishing for a short while, becomes stale and ‘moving on’ is the key…

Money… the race begins… earn something, be happy, lose charm, earn more, again happy for few, need something else… investment… property? Ok, shoot… great… appreciation… slack period… stock exchange… gamble… put some more… loss? No… Gold is a better option… Why not try ForEx?... Awesome… Appreciate – Depreciate- Inflation… The cycle keeps moving covering up the distance against the “time” invested. Money grows, falls, again grows…

With money, comes the power and with power comes the responsibility to sustain… One object scratches the back of another and maintain each other’s pride…  One object no good for other’s pride, then of no use… Chuck it’s pride as well.. Net, net… Pride relished, collapses, take a while to reconstruct, sustain, maintain…

Ambition takes the driver’s seat… Scale heights.. More and more… No looking back… Some things go out of control… unanticipated event occurs… Ambition succumbs… Either new arises… Get up and fight back… or else… apparently ok with the loser mode operation… Don’t intend to look ahead… By and large, Ambitions result in success, failure, mix of both, one after the other or other before the next…

In the course of all this, “time” only diminishes and nothing else…

Did the object miss something?
Did it experience that it had life?
Did it just feel that it was born to live?
Did it even realize that it was born, and not germinated?
Did it assume that there is nothing before the germination and after the termination?
Did it recognize that it was I?  Did “I” comprehend?

It drove me and I got driven till the termination thinking I was It