Wednesday, June 1, 2022

1. Cycling Stars.

Cycling Stars - A Summer Boot Camp (01-29 May 2022)

Setting feet on the pedal,
Taking on the saddle, 
Cycling Stars cruised swiftly,
18 sessions of effort, 
Won each Star, biggest medal

It all incepted with a dream, and also a doubt, whether this dream will be realized?!

Day 0 (Zero) was all about gathering friends and making a proposal for fitness this summer. 

It wasn't as lucrative as going to a restaurant and calling for a lavish dinner. However, to my surprise, a bunch of people agreed to take it further. Besides the desire for fitness, I am sure, the Trust factor was foremost. They had a choice to go anywhere for the regime but I feel indebted as a matter of the fact that they chose me. It's difficult for me to express the feeling of gratitude that surfaced as a result of the Trust that the team of Stars bestowed upon me. 

I still had doubts that after taking off, we might have to land midway, or maybe before that. The key to unlock the early morning laziness was to make things exciting each day. However, I had to do nothing. The Excitement quotient had popped out from within in all the participant Stars.

The regime was divided into 3 parts - Warm up, Ride & Cool down. To win over the monotony, it was necessary to make warm up and cool down work-outs variable and less boring. The ride part was anticipated to be a similar routine each day, except for the distance covered. The results were visible when the folks would show up at the next session, every time. Cycling Stars were willing to be Consistent. Consistency is one of the prime-most success criteria.

Each session was supported by the family members. While few parents would motivate and support by driving / riding  along with their vehicles, one parent expressed willingness to join the Cycling stride; and this was a much needed Support. Also, some friends who joined / willing to join, had to move on due to some or the other reason. One friend stayed till the end of the regime and provided excellent Support by leading from front and back, as required. 

Amid personal commitments, tough sessions, hard exercises and the nightmares of rising early, the Stars had inculcated a spirit of Perseverance. The sessions and before/after stretches were indeed exhausting but the stars chose to be relentless. Each one helped everyone to keep the momentum on.

The stride started with a mere 2 km ride. It is said that if you want to go fast, go alone but if you want to go far, go together. Courage is one of the vital ingredients in the recipe of reaching far and beyond in life. The Cycling stars and their folks always displayed a great level of courage, and this Grit helped us all to reach 20 km in Session #17.

The Trust, The Excitement, The Consistency, The Support, The Perseverance, The Grit - All this made the entire journey happen, and not just that, it was a happy and successful voyage, overall.

Well, the cherry on the cake was an opportunity to interact with so many intellectual minds and make great friends for life. 

Love you all 💗