Thursday, August 26, 2010

3. Walking.

I am passionate about Music. The day when I would become a legend is still a Dream. One beautiful day a renowned maestro calls me up and says – Would you like to learn Music? For me, its like half the dream turned into reality. He tells me - I shall teach you music for 500 hours and that’s all about it. Are you ready? Without a moment of hesitation, I nod with a positive reply.

Further he says – There is one condition and that is; Those 500 hours need to be completed in 30 days starting tomorrow morning 5AM. Although I am deeply shocked my passion nonetheless doesn't even give me another thought and with an internal vigor, I say – Yes. The calculation of 16 hours and 40 minutes a day is already done. However, that is not into consideration as I am visioning the obvious outcome out of the investment and dedication.

Did I learn and excel in those 500 hours?

What made me say a Yes?

What is dedication and how is it defined?

Was that the last opportunity of this lifetime?

Did I even think that I should put a little less than 100%?

The replies to initial four inquiries are immaterial. The reply to fifth query is – I felt that THINKING is also a waste of time at this juncture.

The self-management aces in my life gave me an opportunity to take me out and make me understand, realize, listen, learn and teach about nothing but SELF. They too talked on the similar lines on which the maestro focused on. They had a simple question – Have I zeroed down on THE decision / THE purpose of my life?

“What if yes and “What if no” was up to me to think on and do further inquiries.

I said – Well, I have not built up any purpose per se but I want to attain a significant or rather complete peace, bliss in my life and kinda self-realization is the ultimate goal. However I am not certain of how will I walk on it and what exactly needs to be done to judge if my purpose is right or wrong and once I am firm on my purpose what are the steps to be taken?

Observing the observer and experiencing the experience was a theoretical move suggested. What ever happens needs to be treated as happening. I am just a doer of my activity, a contributor in the event, a performer of my role but I cannot make anything happen in its entirety. For instance, a pot-maker makes a pot but he cannot make a pot out of sand. He has the ability to make the pot but he cannot make the pot happen.

What will be the benefit of doing this? Well, it will all come out of rigorous practice and experience and I shall get deeper inquiries from within and also answers to some or most of those. Also, the experts will be there to guide.

It did sound convincing and moreover, I did ask my self – Did I ask a single question to the musician who straightaway told me to give my 500 hours over a period of mere 30 days? Did I check with him on the further benefits and the intermediate milestones?

Well, rigorous practice and inner experience thing sounded good to me but what I did was just a little different than I did with Music maestro. I asked sometime to think about it.

Alas! I am still thinking.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

2. Mindset.

While taking a stroll after lunch, one of my friends asked me a metaphoric question with an exclamation – How can some one be so arrogant?!

I asked – What happened?

He told – There is this person who seems to be bigheaded that he doesn’t care what other person must be feeling. He never considers anything when he wants to get his work done.

Further he added – I cannot be like that. However I fail to understand what makes people act this way? Does it not create a pinch within?

I said – It’s all about what takes over the facts.

For instance, I said – If a poor fellow riding a bicycle or a handcart comes and dashes your car, you would usually react verbally but won’t take any money from him thinking that he is a poor chap. Let it be. What if another car bumps into yours? You would make sure he pays you or else you will take him to the cops. Fact is the same i.e. Accident happening. Damage is also similar i.e. Car need to be painted / repaired. However, the reaction is different. Why?

In the former case, Sympathy took over the fact while in the latter the focus was on the fact and nothing else. Net-net, there are different categories of people with varied attitude and mindset. There are some who think, if something is to be done, it is to be done – no matter what. While there are others, who feel that they cannot hurt anyone even if they have to bear loss (may be with distinct and assorted limits depending on person to person).

Monday, August 2, 2010

1. The Escape.

Title – The Escape

Genre – Action / Thriller

Backdrop – Jaes Dawn (aka JD) is a notorious gangster with an intense criminal record. Cops are after him. Government has appointed a special cop with highest accolades in the department. Although his name is Keal Chous, he is popularly known as Killer Cop (KC). KC is madly after JD and one fine day he catches hold of him and he is put behind the bars.

Plot – In the opening scene, JD manages to escape from Jail.

Outline – KC is after JD. He does catch hold of him but once again JD manages to escape. However, he wants to teach a lesson to KC. To accomplish this, JD gets himself arrested by KC by creating a dramatic situation. KC feels he has attained success as JD will now undergo double rigorous imprisonment.

Plan – The time when JD had escaped, he had made all the arrangements to sabotage KC and hence he had got himself caught. Now as per this plan, he managed to escape once again. This time the situation was built up in such a way that KC was finger-pointed by the Government as all the evidences turned out to be against him and he was proven guilty in helping JD escape. As a result, he was suspended.

Moving on – KC was now totally disgusted with the system and circumstances. His only aim was to prove that the system is wrong and he can prove himself to be smarter than the system. He now starts his hunt for JD. He does find him and proposes a deal that JD and KC can work together and in short time turn out to be topmost criminals and much bigger than the system / government. JD is quite surprised but happy with the deal. He foresees the benefits in having an engulfed and wounded cop with him as he already was aware of KC’s potential and abilities. Together they work and become the uncrowned knights of the gangland.

Thrill – The thrilling part is each one had an individual interest. KC wanted to show that he is much powerful than the system. Basically, he was pretending this. JD wanted to take the advantage of KC and rule the world. The Government had a master plan to get JD and KC together. The first anticipated situation was – KC was sent by the Government with pre-defined agenda of making friends with JD and pretending that he wants to fight back against the Government with a vengeance.

Thriller – As the time passed, Government realized that KC has lost interest in Government’s plan and he was more concerned about his criminal activities and the world around it. The biggest surprise and suspense drama unfolds when JD is unmasked to come out as an undercover cop and confirms the above statement.

Conclusion – Basically KC was an honest cop but the corrupted system couldn’t digest him. Hence, a game plan of undercover cop in the name of JD was framed and he was instructed to make sure that the KC’s noble interest and the plan that Government had used should finally turn into his individual interest and the system can prove KC wrong and get rid off him forever. His suspension was not enough for the Government.