Friday, November 19, 2010

1. Fiction.

Why don’t you pen down something in fiction – a short story or a novel or something?

Well, no one has asked me this question hence I asked my self and thought of writing something. The first thought that struck my mind was Love story. Nature reflects well. Anyhow, the next popping thought was - what kind of love story it could be? Two guys and a gal, Two gals and a guy, N gals and N guys, A guy and a gal with egoistic parents, just 2 guys, post-marriage break-up, Love one-Marry other-meet again. Enough! Well, my conclusion was - most of the love story concepts are either written or else they are quite stupid. Writing on the lines of already written might sound clichéd. The stupid ones obviously I wanna stay away with.

It was a good idea to take the love story idea out of mind and concentrate on another genre. Suspense. This sounds amazing. Impalpable ideas started hitting the corners of my mind and before I get to the core of it, I would get lost. Suspense is not your cup of tea, dude. Well it’s still a suspense – Who said the above line. I move on to next variety, nevertheless.

Comedy is the word that made me smile and I got a peppy feeling of making my pen run on the paper with bloating ideas on the comic events happenings and occasions. The only ingredient that was missing was a STORY. Two friends and their girlfriends plus a comedy of errors sounds pretty naïve whereas humor related to extra-marital affairs may result in a tacky outcome. Probably some multi-meaning script may work but then it would be too slapstick rather. Off-color was not the area I wanted to touch upon. Infact, humor was eventually something I felt I should give up.

Ghosts and re-incarnations is fiction within a fiction so don’t even want to give it a shot. All said and done, the time was to think beyond Love, Suspense, Comedy, Ghosts and re-incarnations.

Before I stress my brains anymore, I decided to stretch a bit by taking a stroll. As I peep out of my balcony, what I see is an 8 year old child is twisting hands of another similar aged boy and there it starts. They fight cats and dogs. Hey, why am I concentrating on their fight; it’s time to get back to my story. As my eyeballs set on the paper still looking like a clear sky, my blue sky thinker mind was still hovering over the action packed sequence. No marks for guessing but I was up and set for an action packed adventure. Soon the conjunction between up and set vanished and I turned upset as I was not able think beyond fights.

How do the greatest of fiction authors do it ya? Well, nothing is working for me – Love, Suspense, Comedy, Action – all futile. Enough is enough, no point in thinking further. Let me just put the pen and paper off the shelf and shelve the idea of developing a fabricated story. Time to take a short break and move on to something else buddy!
The next best thing to do was switching on the TV – the most effortless entertainment I believe. As I switched on, the running strip and the video being exhibited were displaying a murder story. Am I still thinking STORY STORY? Yes! And hey, Eureka! I was all set to pen down the most complex murder mystery of the world that might just create history. This was the best fiction genre of the world that had suspense, thrill, drama, action mystery and above all love & violence.

Two friends - One girl - Love triangle. Passion results in murder – huh! Pretty clichéd

Two brothers – Property dispute – One of them snatching away. Greed results in revenge and murder – I have already started yawning. What about readers?

Business magnets – Cut-throat competition – Rivalry – Setting up plan to get ahead of each other. Hunger results in murder. – This appears everyday in newspapers. What is new on my platter?

A common man entrapped by a dictator-type personality in village – Saga of sufferings – Faces murder charge – Life sentence – Freed after 14 years – Come back with a vengeance. Murder in public and surrender. Alas! Totally on one track.

Psycho killer on the move – Attractive personality – Traps females – False commitments – Murders them and vanishes. Too yucky!!!

Underworld – Clash of the Dons – Who will rule – Bloodbaths. Sounds more like an encyclopedia of murders

Political warfare. The first word itself is worse than a murder. Nothing to say further.

By now, I am totally out of my mind and need some peace. I am really far better-off with my non-fictional compositions.

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