Thursday, February 17, 2011

3. Aspect.

Why do people who already seem to be happy still don’t feel the happiness in it’s entirety? I believe it’s because happiness is never assumed to be in it’s entirety. It’s always been considered as the aspect.

A multi-millionaire might feel proud and happy about the wealth and prosperity in his possession but on the other hand, he may be sad about his looks or physical appearance.

Lets say some one is extra-ordinarily rich, good looking, dynamic, multi-talented and a loving person. Still, he might be craving for more in the said areas as well as beyond.

Net-net it’s all in the aspect and aspects are unlimited if not infinite. Hence, till the time happiness is believed to be in aspects or means, it cannot be experienced as a whole. Well, to an extent it can be experienced in intervals and that too depending on the state of conscious and subconscious minds.

2. Pace.

While I travel in a slow train and a fast train passes by on another parallel track I do feel bad that it has moved ahead of me and shall reach faster. Subsequently, each passing fast train makes me feel worse and beyond.

Well, at times when I travel by fast train and as it overtakes each slow train on the parallel track, I feel happy thinking that I shall reach ahead of the competition

The direction is same and the destination too but a feeling of reaching faster makes me feel happy and that of reaching slower makes me feel sad.

What if the destination is the death? Would I like to be slower or faster? Also, am I running, walking or crawling towards the ultimate destination of this life?

1. Incomplete.

Whenever I think of anything that can make me happy, I do feel that the complete happiness is in the achievement of the same; achievement in the sense the climax or in other words, the peak point.

While I am traveling towards being completely happy, I do feel nice on my way, however the craving of being complete (completely happy) at the sub-conscious level overshadows the on-the-way nice feeling.

Besides the moment of climax makes me feel complete and completes the happiness there and then itself.

The next ‘craving’ of being happy has already begun and so has my voyage of being complete once again.