Tuesday, April 24, 2012

2. Torch.

While I walk in the dark with a torch in my hand, I tend to throw light a little ahead of my feet so that I can see the path and also move forward. As I move forward, I experience that the light is also moving ahead. Light and I, we both are in sync. Gradually, I reach the destination place and when I look back, the path still appears dark. If I try to view the source with the light, I can't see anything as it's pitch dark. How did I cover the path then? It's such a silly question with a silly answer - While moving ahead with the torch, my focus was on the immediate next step and not the destination. The target didn't arrive immediately, it took time but I did reach there eventually. What do I do in Life? As soon as I think of doing something, achieving something, being successful on a project that I have undertaken, I tend to throw the torch at the destination that appears to be either hazy or completely dark. There are 2 significant demerits that come out of this thinking. 1. I feel like giving up on my mission as I don't see a clear picture because of my torch set only on the destination and not on the immediate next step. 2. I don't see, feel, experience and analyse the immediate next step and fail to enjoy the experience of execution. As a result, I stay standstill. Neither I move forward, nor I experience the wonderful present moment thinking that I am a failure and I cannot do anything in life. I have a torch, I need to throw some light on the present moment and the immediate next step. Success, Destination, Achievement, Target, Goal, Result will happen...

Thursday, April 5, 2012

1. Growth.

There are 3 categories of people – One who want to grow, others who don’t want to grow and the third lot (a major one and more of responsible for the chain reaction, I believe) is the one who see others not growing and think that they also can’t grow.

Some may say what about a fourth category, who see people growing and they want to grow, thinking that they can grow. I would say people who want to grow never think that they can grow if others are growing. They just feel they can grow because they want to grow, no matter what.

Ofcourse, there is an inspiration factor which leads them to discover and invent the ways of growing. Success may come gradually but growth (each and every step, practically every moment) is inevitable.

It’s quite possible that the attempts made towards success may turn futile; the growth doesn’t stop nonetheless. Growth may not seem to be evident but it happens because the success is in the making. Also, the success surely happens until the one who is growing gives up. The day one gives up, the growth stops and one falls into the second category – “I don’t want to grow”.

Which category do I fall into?