Sunday, November 17, 2024

1. Nipun Mehta and Lobsang Phuntsok

Excerpts from Nipun Mehta and Lobsang Phuntsok session on 17/Nov/24

Small acts of kindness take away nothing (or hardly anything) but transformation is immense and inevitable.

Whatever I give, I keep.

Changing the world can be an ambition, but in last 45 years, what change I have been able to do to myself, my transformation - is worth pondering over.

Lobsang: Why did I pick one of the most notorious students? May be 3% people top but the world is full of 97%. We need to work on them and help them.

Lobsang's Idea behind ex-Monk. A story of an abandoned child turned monk and then the feeling that resonated within and ended up establishing Jhamstse Gatsal (a garden of Love and Compassion).

Exchange of energies is so important.

Silence is extremely powerful to discover the inner self.

If I cannot become a sun, it's alright. I can still be an earthen lamp for someone who needs it.

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