Wednesday, September 16, 2009

3. Once upon a time...

Once upon a time…
I wanted to be a cook and prepare a dish
Affordable to all for fulfilling the hunger wish

Once upon a time…
I desired to be a doctor and create a pill
Have it once in your life and never get ill

Once upon a time…
I longed to be a tailor and craft an attire
Lasts all weather and survives water and fire

Once upon a time…
I wished to be an architect and design a home
That would stand against all, quake or cyclone

Once upon a time…
I sought to be a scientist and innovate a gun
Turns foes into friends and kills no one

Once upon a time…
I craved to be an engineer and construct a street
Connecting entire world so that everyone can meet

Here I am sitting on my desk, sipping fresh-lime
Haven’t been anything yet, dreaming "Once upon a time…"

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

2. Obituary.

It’s an immensely shocking feeling to learn that the most materialistically worldly person named Dilip Shah has taken a swift exit from this material world.

Although he seemed to be a pretty decently mannered chap and a well-wisher of his friends and foes in the society, was still a selfish person who always gave priority to himself and his philosophies. He would always motivate people with his pep talks but failed to implement the same in his life.

He portrayed himself as a philanthropist and a spiritual being but all that was limited to his outer conduct. He would believe in not exploiting people, especially the ones who were not wealthy but would never think of going out of the way and support them.

Apparently, he would appear as an urbane person with a ‘looking good’ mentality but he was filled with vices from within. He would always preach and at a very superficial level practice goody goody things like non-violence, truth, honesty and other humility and spiritual related stuff but that was mainly because he had an inner fear of getting wickedly recognized amongst his folks on behaving otherwise.

He would never miss an opportunity to clutch the recognition from anywhere and everywhere. This is what made him very popular in his personal and professional life.

He would always carry himself with a feeling of being indispensable. Unfortunately, he will not be present to realize that this feeling was nothing but a myth. The world will never stop but continue to move at its normal pace.

He would always love to express and publish his feelings on blogs by scripting write-ups and composing poems but more than expressing, his intent was of getting noticed and appreciated. This feeling was possessed by him to such a great extent that he was keen on writing his own obituary which could be presented in his post-death gathering.

May his soul rest in peace and we hope that almighty does never send him back to this world in any form.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

1. Need - Opinions.

After reading through my previous post - Need, a very senior colleague of mine had exchanged a few words with me which I feel are worth penning down

Commenting on Need, Bhooshan says -
Truly speaking, life is pretty empty, and we spend a life-time filling it with trash!!!

Dilip replies -
Life is empty and meaningless – is very true

However, a purpose added to it can give some meaning to it. Now, the perspective to that purpose is individual.

For instance, if I quit my profession and start a NGO, most of my folks will feel, I am foolish and filling my life with trash.

But that so-called trash might be what rubbish is for a pig (who thinks it as a feast).

The question is whether I am happy with Trash or no :)

The resistance, more or less comes from the outer world. When I see my self as swimming opposite of the flow (getting out of the rat-race), initially I will certainly develop a negative feeling – Will I not sound insane getting out of the rat-race, which seems to be the actual happiness people are longing for?

PS: Not intending to contradict you, just presenting my perspective :)

Bhooshan comments -
Swimming against the flow is also a rat-race, no body does anything for free...

The bottom line is to understanding how we operate, and how best to position our assets (intellectual, material & social skills) to the right purpose…

It is futile to think whether we have made a difference to the world, the truth is – have we made a difference to ourselves, day in and day out?

Dilip adds -
Absolutely true sir..

I believe, when you say nothing is for free, it’s not only to do with Money.

One always needs something out of it.

I might be digressing but this is like – Each and every individual is Selfish in this world.

I don’t intend to say that being selfish is bad. Selfish is something I do to attain something.

Even if I feed a beggar and attain peace and happiness, I am doing it for peace and happiness and that makes me selfish, IMHO.