Wednesday, September 2, 2009

2. Obituary.

It’s an immensely shocking feeling to learn that the most materialistically worldly person named Dilip Shah has taken a swift exit from this material world.

Although he seemed to be a pretty decently mannered chap and a well-wisher of his friends and foes in the society, was still a selfish person who always gave priority to himself and his philosophies. He would always motivate people with his pep talks but failed to implement the same in his life.

He portrayed himself as a philanthropist and a spiritual being but all that was limited to his outer conduct. He would believe in not exploiting people, especially the ones who were not wealthy but would never think of going out of the way and support them.

Apparently, he would appear as an urbane person with a ‘looking good’ mentality but he was filled with vices from within. He would always preach and at a very superficial level practice goody goody things like non-violence, truth, honesty and other humility and spiritual related stuff but that was mainly because he had an inner fear of getting wickedly recognized amongst his folks on behaving otherwise.

He would never miss an opportunity to clutch the recognition from anywhere and everywhere. This is what made him very popular in his personal and professional life.

He would always carry himself with a feeling of being indispensable. Unfortunately, he will not be present to realize that this feeling was nothing but a myth. The world will never stop but continue to move at its normal pace.

He would always love to express and publish his feelings on blogs by scripting write-ups and composing poems but more than expressing, his intent was of getting noticed and appreciated. This feeling was possessed by him to such a great extent that he was keen on writing his own obituary which could be presented in his post-death gathering.

May his soul rest in peace and we hope that almighty does never send him back to this world in any form.

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