Thursday, June 17, 2010

1. Place.

I would always feel that I love the city I live in. I still feel so. However, off-late I have realized that it's not the place I love it's what the place makes me feel I love or hate about... I know it's a random post and probably leading no where... The flow is also quite different than usual... Also, in one of my earlier post also I have hinted about the reasons for the attachments about the place...

The title is 'place' but the focus is out of place. bad joke! I really feel awesome when I think about home when away. The question is why I don't feel the same when I am very much here. I know that to write the answer is simple but to comprehend it is not so.

Well, having said this I just want to continue falling in love all over again with this place, people, thoughts, feelings, likes, life et al. I know 'continue falling in love all over again' is an abstract phrase but it is.

I am thinking whether I am writing just for the heck of it. The prompt reply is - NO. I am writing cos I feel like. It's been long I have received this feeling from within, rather have realized that this feeling is waiting to be expressed.

Don't want to conclude anything, don't want to sum up a thing, just want to continue living this life as good as this random post.

Too much yet none
All but less than some
Everything but still few
Old and stale, yet new

I did enjoy writing this and will cherish reading it over again and again. I don't care if you did enjoy or no. I might sound careless but to be candid, I am carefree :)

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