Monday, October 4, 2010

1. 10 years.

A couple of days back (2-Oct), I accomplished a decade in the IT industry. Am mostly on the happier side to yet stick on to the same industry although have traveled through 4 organizations and umpteen locations.

Just thought of re-connecting to all those I knew and also started their IT career on the same day (3-Oct-2000).

This is what I wrote -


Hey Folks,

Just thot of dropping a Hello. 10 years back on the same day, most of us (I guess almost all) got their first earning on paper. It was indeed a great feeling.

There are many things to write about from Holiday Inn to the Maximum City (Mumbai) to the Capital (Delhi) to Krishna Continental to Bahrain to Gulf to Yiatros to Domios to Lophitis to Israel to Germany to UK to several EU countries to Maritime to Cards to Currium to Mitsis to Ariel to Downtown to Binges to 2 Rupee coin in Pool table to Agia Napa to Four Season to accidents to Nightlife to Fights to Bonding to Love to Timepass to Timekilling to Work to Culture to Food to Maggi to Indian Restuarants to Nicosia to Flag Hoisting to India Amabasaddor (Pawan I guess) to Crish Cash and Carry to Sevdas to Refugee to all those good, very good and extremely good experiences to relocations to settling in varied co-ordinates to future to marriage to kids to and until the current day....

I am sure I have missed a lots and lots of things as thinking of everything in 3 minutes was kinda difficult task for not-so-intelligent person like me :-). You may certainly wanna add more that will result in sheer fun along with a fantastic nostalgia.

However it's been a decade of our dosti-yaari and its amazing to know that we are going strong, stronger and strongest...

Love you all. :-) Hats off to each one of you for being an integral part of Dilip's life.


Although most of the write-up won't make much sense to those who haven't been a part of the journey and experience, I still thought of blogging it up :)

In ten years, I must have traveled thousands of miles
Having made a bunch of friends, brings loads of smiles
It's a great feeling to cherish the past, peep into the files
Relations are the strongest foundation, not just bricks and tiles

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