Friday, November 16, 2012

1. Circus.

There is cirque du soleil, claimed to be the world’s best and there is this ‘the great Indian circus (TGIC)’. IMO, the competition is tough.

Despite of having a similar crew of jokers and ringmasters and the so-called artists lined up, the latter is unique and incredible.

There is no fee taken to enter in TGIC unlike world’s best and otherwise happening circuses around. However, as soon as the show begins, the meter starts and regularly, frequently and haphazardly the audience is charged.

The patron cannot leave the show till he dies. He has no option but to keep smiling throughout and enjoy the mockery. All he can do is grumble about the clowns and the other artists.

If there is any conflict within the artiste, the fee gets hiked and obviously, it is the audience who pays. In case there is any hiccup or the failure on the artist front happening on the stage, once again audience bears the burden. Similar incidents keep on happening but the administration makes sure that the rates get dearer and never ever diminish.

There are around 500 odd authenticated and certified artists who are day in day out persistently performing to their best to ensure that the fee keeps coming by one means or the other. Besides, there are other clowns with no position whatsoever but they are still ruling the stage and they are the most sensitive ones when it comes to their performance. Any fatal or even minute push back in their performance matters a lot as the audience may end up starving because of them.

The customer keeps on watching and paying and grumbling and enjoying and mourning and somehow living till the end of his life, which either he himself wraps-up or over a period of time, his body ripens and he succumbs or passes way quietly. However, the circus continues.

Welcome to “The Great Indian Circus”. Enjoy the Show, a Life time opportunity for entire LIFE.

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