Saturday, July 13, 2013

2. Corrupt.

The entire nation is yelling the slogans pertaining to the transformation. There is an immense hue and cry about the political scenario of the country. All the individuals I come across are seeking change. Every resident of the peninsula wants the largest democracy of the world to be modified.
While I am one of those 1.26 billion resident individuals, I would like to check on the ground reality might as well.
When I say, I want the transformation to happen, I believe that it should initiate from the inner self. The imminent enquiry is what needs to be initiated from the inner self and the immediate trigger is what I want to be modified.
What is it that I am tired of? What is it that I want to change? What is it that I envision in a modified nation?
The one-word that can be encapsulated in all the replies is Corruption.
In philosophical, theological and moral stand-points, Corruption can be ideally defined as a spiritual or moral impurity or deviation from an ideal. Corruption may include many activities viz. Bribery, Embezzlement and there are many other relevant terminologies.
What is an Ideal? The rules and regulations written in the constitution of an institution, be it national, regional, organizational, social or in a family.
If I deviate from any of the rule, I very well fit in the definition of corrupt, obviously for that particular instance.
I am driving on a road. I jump a single. Cop catches me. I offer bribe. I am corrupt. I don’t offer a bribe. He asks me to bribe him. He is corrupt. In turn, I ask him to explain me rules. He complicates me. I give up. I offer a bribe. I am corrupt.
I go for buying a new house. The owner asks for part payment in cash and rest in cheque. He is corrupt. I abide to his rules. I am corrupt.
I make accounts in my business. I segregate black and white. I am corrupt. I am not an expert to do so hence I hire someone for the same. He agrees to help me. He is corrupt.
I decide not to be corrupt. I start living in the non-corrupt mode. Some instance occurs and I seem to be having no other option but to be corrupt for that instance and again come back to non-corrupt mode. I am still corrupt.
I take the satisfaction saying that most of the times I am non-corrupt. It’s like me going to buy a pair of trousers where the vendor says that the entire trouser is wonderful but it has a tiny hole which is not repairable. However the trouser is almost impeccable. Of course, I am gonna buy it, right?
Well, coming back to corruption. I think that if I alone be non-corrupt then what difference is it going to make when the whole country is corrupt. If I don’t offer bribe, my survival will be at stake. I will be left behind in this race where everyone will go ahead of me by virtue of their settings and I like a moron will keep looking at them.
By the way, why the heck then I want the nation to be modified? Just because there is a bunch of people who get an opportunity to do limitless corruption and I am not supposed to do the same? Just that they are allowed to pierce many holes in the pair of trousers and I get a chance to pierce one or two?
However, If I whole-heartedly want a corruption-free environment and I think that I alone cannot do anything about it, I fail to ponder on a couple of things here. If I refrain to offer bribe, the takers of the bribe will gradually diminish. The power of “I” is something that “I” need to implement. All that is needed is each individual realizes the power of “I”.
Once I implement the change within, I can be a reason to inspire and instigate several others around me and the real transformation will fire through the spark generated within.
PS: Heartfelt apologies from the bottom of my mind, heart and soul if I have hurt anyone’s individual or group sentiments, which was never intended.

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