Wednesday, January 3, 2018

4. Mob On The Streets.

2017 ended with a tragic incident wherein fire and panic costed lives of 14 people.

The darkness continued when 2018 began with more atrocities to surface. Communal conflicts gave birth to terror. Few packs of mob very much residing in the maximum city were out on the street creating nuisance by disrupting commute, damaging the public and private properties and behaving alike ruthless dictators. There were mere puppets governed by their bosses who of course had an agenda to work on. All this was painted on the political canvas. This is a country where Politics, Bollywood, Mafia, Law, Sports and Business go hand-in-hand. They support each other and the fundamental stone for the support is common man; be it the money, energy, resources or anything. Everything is done for the common man, victimizing the common man and at the end consoling  the common man.

In those 2 days, I am sure many of us have experienced abnormal situations. I am fortunate this time that I was not the one who experienced anything much unusual. However, I learnt about a few incidents that broke my heart. I would like to narrate one of those there.

Tiana (name changed) was travelling from her home to office. The ride on the cab was smooth for a few kilometres until she reached a prominent crossroad of the city. On all the 4 sides of the junction, vehicles had piled up and no one was supposed to move. Reason? The mob had taken entire control of the traffic and they weren’t allowing anyone to proceed. Worse, the vehicles weren’t even permitted to make a U-turn and move back. Worst, the passengers seated in the public buses were asked to get down and vacate the vehicle. Worse than the worst, the mob was shouting, pelting stones and causing all possible damage.

The most unfortunate situation as described by Tiana was that when the people were asking the cops to help, all that they were doing is making futile attempts to ask the mob to stay away. There was not strict action. After some while, some of the cops disappeared and some were just mute spectators. Tiana proactively called the local police station and voiced out about the situation to the officer in-charge thereby requesting  help in this dire condition. Her call was slammed after a crude statement – Hum Log Gaagi Bhej Rahe Hai (We are sending the vehicle for help). Tiana was hopeful but apprehensive too. Alas, her apprehension was proven right. There was no sign of any police vehicle for next one hour.

Meanwhile, she was updating us constantly on the Whatsapp group messages. Saira (name change) gave her another hope by typing 3 phone numbers and names. She asked Tiana to contact them. They were the security officials working with the organization that Tiana was working with. With less hopes, she made a call and to her surprise it was answered. The officer on the other end told that there are many calls coming in and they shall look into the matter.

Tiana comprehended that she will have to wait endlessly. She had lost all the confidence. She kept waiting for a while. Soon, her phone rang and it was a good news for her. An external security agency had come to the rescue. This was arranged by the Security officials whom she had spoken to. The vehicle picked her up and dropped her home safe.

It was already a long day for Tiana but on a positive note, she felt relieved that it was a happy ending for her while she was sad about the entire happening and the way it was politically controlled.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

3. धूल खाती किताब.

जब भी देश ने आगे बढ़ने के देखे ख्वाब,
चंद लोगो ने खोली, पुरानी धुल खाती किताब।

सवाल था उनके मन में तो माँगना था जवाब,
शहर को तोड कर, लोगो को मार कर, क्या मिलेगा जनाब?

अँधेरा क्यों करना, जहाँ अभी हो रहा है आफताब,
उनका स्वार्थ और ज़रा से पैसे, बना रहे है तुम्हे वहाब!

बहेगा तुम्हारा मेरा खून, वे तो हसेंगे पहने हिजाब,
क्या तुम खोना चाहते हो जान, पाने कुछ बूँद जहरीली शराब?

2. आम आदमी.

रात को होटल में लगती आग,
आम आदमी, तू जान बचाने भाग,
दिन में रास्तों पर लोग लगाते आग,
यह सब चैन से सोयेगे,
          आम आदमी तू केवल जाग...

जलेगा आम आदमी,
मरेगा आम आदमी,
टैक्स भी भरेगा आम आदमी,
ताकि देश चलाने में,
          रहे ना कोई कमी...

कुछ हुआ था, ये भूल जाएंगे सभी,
काल ऐसा समा होगा कि नही हुआ था कुछ कभी,
क्या मिलेगा याद रखकर भी,
जलालो चाहे जितनी मोमबतिया..
     आम आदमी मरता जलता रहेगा फिर भी.

Monday, January 1, 2018

1. CASA.

Kindness is not only contagious but has no limits too.

While I have observed and experienced kindness in varied forms, encountered an unique avenue last evening.

A friend of mine was planning to take up a project for kindness since quite some while but for her things were not too straight in USA compared to how it is in India. Almost Everything goes through public administration (social services) or recognized NGOs. She came across something called CASA. It stands for Court Appointed Special Advocate.

The role is being a counsellor for kids staying at foster houses, their actual parents as well as foster parents.

Over there, the concept of orphanages doesn’t exist.

So, if the administration finds orphans or kids having single parent and not taken care off or kids having drug addict parents or in any case where the government feels that the kids aren't taken care off well, they pick up the kid and place them in foster houses.

The care takers at these foster houses are paid to take care of kids. USD 1000 per kid per month. They can be foster parents for upto 6 kids.

There are some or sometimes many who want to become foster parents for the greed of money.

Although the government does a vigilance once in 3 months, that's not enough.

Here, CASA comes into the play. One CASA is allocated one kid for one year. He/She is made responsible to connect actual parents, kids and foster parents. In some cases, actual parents are rehabilitated also so the kid can go back. As mentioned, there might be cases where the kid is ill-treated at the foster house. So he/she needs to be shifted from there to another foster house.

A CASA works 20 hours a week and puts all the efforts to ensure that the kid is doing well. Regular reports are submitted to the administration.

Actions are initiated as necessary. A CASA works at convenience and the administration trains and supports. The role of CASA is voluntary and that means he/she will not be paid and hence, it’s an act of kindness with no vested interest.

Overall, it is a great gesture of working towards a noble initiative of shaping up the future of the lovely kids who are deprived of love, care and shelter.