Tuesday, November 8, 2022

2. ParamKrupalu.

(On Kartik Purnima..)

In the awe of you, O ParamKrupalu…
The ‘soul’ is shining,
The body is breathing,
The heart is pumping,
Your name, Your qualities…
The ‘existence’ keeps revering!!

In the awe of you, O ParamKrupalu…
The ‘energy’ is flowing,
The synergies are happening,
The love is blooming,
Your words (vachanamrut), Your compassion…
The ‘being’ keeps resonating!!

In the awe of you, O ParamKrupalu…
The ‘light’ is radiating,
The aura is gleaming,
The pulse is beating,
Your walk, Your oneness…
The ‘experience’ keeps reminiscing!!

It’s time for the ‘soul’ to now ‘experience’,
What ‘You’ are eternally experiencing,
In the awe of you, O ParamKrupalu…
This is ‘my’ persistent ‘praying’!!!

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