Thursday, June 7, 2007

2. Responsible.

I am sole responsible for everything (literally, everything) that happens in life.

I feel this is what I should believe. I am sure I don’t implement this 100%. This directly means that I don’t believe in this statement. Still, I have an inner feeling that one day I will start believing this and hence, implement it 100%.

Why do I feel that it is worth implementing that I am sole responsible for everything?

I have experienced that me taking responsibility makes me feel more relaxed. Sounds pretty weird, though. The argument is when it’s not my mistake then what is the point in taking the responsibility? In a verbal argument with some one, what will I do if I feel that it’s not my mistake? Probably, I will start blaming him and shall raise my voice. If I carry a diplomatic attitude, then probably, I will softly do the same.

In any case, most of the times, I will end up getting frustrated as things don’t turn up as anticipated.

Solution? Nothing. Just staying sad until the thoughts (related to arguments) stop popping up.

Had it been a case, where I had taken the responsibility. Probably, the other person would have not got too wild. If at all, he would have cooled off in few minutes. Certainly, he would have also faced the similar consequences (with himself) as written above.

What would have happened once he had calmed down? There would have been a discussion working around the solution to the happening. He would probably also realize that there was some responsibility to be taken by him as well (may be just out of his guilt of getting wild or may be in real sense).

If nothing, then too it doesn’t matter as you (anyways) have already taken the responsibility. Thereafter, the choice is yours. :)

1 comment:

rashworkzz said...

take some responsibility and give me a call on 9892808353