Thursday, February 19, 2009

5. Anger.

Anger is an area where I have worked upon a lot of times. When I refer to an area where I have worked a lot of times, it usually means that I haven't been successful till date. :)

Recently received a very very nice forward from a friend. Have posted it on

I would always feel that Anger Eradication is a vital thing and hence my focus was always on avoiding the things that usually made me angry.

Needless to say, that never worked. It's like saying - I never ever get angry unless such situations arise and/or unless some one is really being nasty with me and triggering then anger within.

The forward email from my friend is certainly an eye-opener in the anger arena. Implementation is the only key.

To start with, Anger, I believe is usually gonna pop-up from within depending on the external situation. At that instance, Anger Management is more important than Eradication.

Well, let me attempt to implement first and then pen down my experiences.
Prolly, shall come up with "Anger - Extended" sometime :)

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