Sunday, May 3, 2009

1. Regular.

In a couple of weeks, I will finish 2 years of blogging. Nothing significant about it, but it really soothes me when I reckon I have been regular at least in blogging if not anything else.

Well, obviously for not good reason I have always enjoyed blogging as almost all my blogs are written as a free flow and un-edited before publish.

There are times when I do set a target for blogging – as in I will write a certain number of blogs during the current calendar month or I will finish 100 blogs before I finish 2 years of blogging and so on. In ideal world, that really doesn’t work for me although I make it work. As blogging is more of a passion-oriented activity, I tend to reset the targets after setting them. This is the way I enjoy blogging and I want to do so for the rest of my life as a blogger.

Since I have been blogging, I have learned that setting targets and goals is one thing and having passion for the same is something that always supersedes. Had this not been true, I would have never come up with so many blogs. Well 96 is no big a number but still, I feel it is. :)

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