Thursday, May 21, 2009

3. 30.

Turning 30 today doesn’t make me feel happy. So What? It’s still my day and I want to enjoy it to the fullest with more and more life to encounter each day, each moment. Quite contradictory, huh! Nothing strange about it, I am such and have always been making contradictory statements over three decades of my life. Here is one more.

Nevertheless, on one hand I don’t feel that past 3 decades have been significant but on the other, they were neither trivial as well. It’s all relative.

Especially, when I start comparing my self with peers, the very first thought of staying behind in the rat-race makes me feel dejected. Still, I see myself way ahead of others for the reasons that are considered to be quite neglected – be it happiness, love, entertainment, luxury, spending (some may say, wasting) money, illogical decisions, strong craving for Merc C220 CDI in these tough times, etc. Well, I don’t intend to say that people don’t crave for happiness or love or luxury. Neither do I say that there are no other people who are ahead of me in that. It’s just a thought that passes through my mind today.

Unaware of my goal, Ignorant about the purpose of life, I am just letting the time flow and living it to the extent I feel the best. Hence, I don’t feel like making any resolutions and doing any analysis about the past, present and future.

Just wanna wish my self a very happy birthday :-)


Cruz said...

belated wishes Dilip, am not 2 far behind...same wit goals, juz abt chewin life r rather lettin life!

vcd said...

Very nice analysis! Very genuine! Majaa aaya padh ke :-)

Happy Bday, Buddy!

Somleena said...

hmm...u know what? i believe this is what ideally a "pefect" life is meant to be
u should "just" be happy...on ur own..irrespective of every damn thing in this world...i was also confused sometimes on I have got mostly all that i wanted that others have got does it matter? all cant be Bill Gates...may be Premji cribs about not being Mukesh ambani...hardly matters...
we understand our very existence was based on rat race..we had to struggle for struggling shud not be sooo meticulous that we stop stoping by and seeing what life is all about...we can be happy by even looking at a beautiful tree while returning from office or for that matter dreaming about Merc:) isnt it..thats life.. being happy..or for that matter being sad(crying helps i believe )..but u shud "know" that this is for good...thats destiny,karma..whatever.. u r the pilot of ur it to the best what u believe is best..thats it :) Happy Birthday!!

Ankur - The Beginning... said...

Jhakaas! Living LIFE to the FULLEST ... thats the mantra ... n u are a living example :)

CoolPraj said...

This was the perfect thought while turning 30.. Happy Bday D..