Friday, July 10, 2009

1. Like.

I was talking to one of my friend regarding one of my female friend and our relations. He promptly told me – You are in love with her. Before I say anything, he continued – Not accurately though but you are more of a habituated and it seems like love. In short, there is a thin wall.

Well, I didn’t even want to ponder this particular thought still I responded – When I feel comfortable with some one, I start feeling that I love that person. Usually my focus in on the result i.e. love but if I divert my focus to the process there can be some more thought given.

I want to divert my focus on my liking, my comfort. At times, I am so much engrossed watching a game that I just wanna continue doing it till it ends. I just like that very thing at that time. I really don’t want anything to happen or anyone to be around, not even in my thoughts. After it finishes, I might feel the need of something (someone) which (whom) I love.

This happens everyday in my life. All I care about it my liking and my comfort. If I don’t experience what I like, either I go ahead and strive for this experience to happen or I simply react and fight against what happened.

Anyhow, now I am not liking to write anymore and I want to switch over to Friday night celebrations with my liked folks :)

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