Saturday, July 30, 2011

3. My Duties.

While I initiate this topic, I get a feeling from within that how I can distinguish between these duties. The reason is pretty straight. When it comes to analysing the duties towards my family, I always consider myself as a part of some organization or the other. Organization here can be anything like Social, Spiritual, National, Envionmental, etc. To elaborate, the duties towards my family are always connected to the duties towards Society, Religion, Enviornment and Nation.
Anyhow, despite such feelings, I would still like to go ahead and kind of distinguish the duties, with an exception of blending them when required. Money, today, is a vital necesity of life and the elder ones are totally engrossed in minting the same as seen nowadays. Ofcourse, its a part of duty towards the family but besides earning money, one can give more time for the family and strengthen the bonding and love.
At this age, I cannot earn for my family but yes I can certainly assist my parents in household work, co-operation and covering all the stuff that I can do with my potential. I can be good, do good and spread the good word. However, it may sound like I am doing nothing for the society and nation. I am more of dedicating maximum time of my life with my individual and family related duties.
If I spare some more time (which I can as there is always a scope) and put little but significant efforts, I can do so many things for different Organizations I do or do not belong to. I can help the Government build up the infrastructure of my country. Also, I can contribute for environment by spreading the green revolution viz. saying NO to plastics, planting trees and so on and so forth. If I inspire my parents to pay proper taxes, I can go ahead and indirectly support the Government in raising funds which will eventually improvethe infrastructure of the country. I can promote education to eradicate corruption as a result of which the money can be utilized at the right place at the right time. This will take care of my duty towards "Nation".
If I shed some of my pocket-money, I can use it for any social cause(s), I can help the needy to reduce their worries. Besides, I can assist the kids of my maid servent in their education, can help them with study material and stationery. Also, I can help the needy people in the society by dedicating time and channelizing the resources and potential. This will take care of my "Social" duties.
Above all, I can request my parents to use some money for Spiritual growth of Self and others. I can assist people to go ahead in Spiritual path by traveling and sharing some of the spiritual knowledge I have. I term that as the knowledge of Life. As a part of "Human" duty, I have a feeling that Spiritual growth is essential and its all about Living Life happily and peacefully.
Concluding, I feel that the duties are all connected and interwoven. I just need to organize the time and channelize the potential and it can all be done smoothly. As mentioned above some duties are done indirectly but they still have an impact. For instance, if I start throwing the trash in a dust bin instead of putting on the road, few people might get inspired to do so and the chain reaction is inevitable. Similarly, if I lead an ideal and disciplined life, it's an excellent start of fulfilling my duties and it's said that well-beginning is half done. Hence, I urge each one of us to join me in creating a world that is peaceful, hygenic, beautiful and full of love. Thank you all for being so patient and listening to this small piece. Thank you!!

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