Saturday, August 27, 2011

1. Prelude to "The Fourth Purpose".

I believe, everything in life is attached to a purpose.

Life is divided by serving various purposes, at least one – Survival, the first and foremost for all and the only purpose for many.

The other purposes however don’t sideline the “Survival”. It is rooted any which ways.

Net-net, lemme consider survival as the first purpose of life. I am guessing that most of us are here to survive, if not anything else. I may be wrong but that’s an open ended discussion. Period.

Well, this purpose is simple-to-serve, when I think of things in my control. The debate is again open to the previous statement where some may feel that there is nothing in anyone’s control whereas the other group may feel that all the things can be planned as desired and most can be controlled as per the plan.

Ok. Let me sound random and consider that I have made all the arrangements to “Survive”. I am happy to learn that I am gonna “Survive”. Is that all? What to do further? Purposeless life ahead then? Oops, that doesn’t quite work for me. Hence, I hunt for the next purpose that can be described by many words but the first one that comes to my mind is – “Identity”. The other synonymous words in this context are Status, Esteem, Ego, Respect, Fame, Name, Money, Character, Specialization, Off-beat, Unique, Persona, etc.

The second purpose doesn’t look simple as the first one. It’s more of divided into a numerous ones. Let’s take an example. Once I have built up my identity in the society with regards to something special that I possess, I may either wanna expand the identity further in terms of geographical reach or wanna add more to the specialization / be known by another one or both of the above.

For instance, If I compose a book and circulate amongst my near dear ones, the purpose is served but since I have scope and time, I may wanna circulate it further. Besides, I may wanna write another book (or develop some other skill) and exhibit the same to my near dear ones. Moreover, I may strive towards both i.e. writing another book and spreading it further.

Most of my life passes by serving the second purpose which takes me on a ride. I want to be constantly known amongst all as someone by virtue of something that I possess (or pretend to possess).

Well, it might be possible that one fine day (or may be at the very beginning) narrow down everything related to my identity to one particular thing, let’s say – A Philanthropist.

Guess, the second purpose is served and life is set.

Not so soon buddy. The third purpose is already in making and I shall casually term it as – “Maintaining the second purpose for the rest of life”. I wanted to write maintaining and enhancing but had I used the word “enhancing”, I would still be on the second purpose. I am growth oriented thinker hence I chose to transcend.

Have I ever thought of transcending a bit more and hunt for the fourth purpose?

What is the fourth purpose? Do I need a fourth purpose? If yes, why?

Well, I don’t have answers to the questions above but If I am happy, peaceful and contented with serving the three purposes, It’s my choice to live with it.

What if I am happy and peaceful but not really contended? Umm, that doesn’t really work I believe cos as soon as I have a feeling of discontentment, happiness and peace vanishes.

Anyhow, the discussion is around “The Fourth Purpose”; a need which is a result of exasperation in serving the One or two or all the three purposes described above.

To be continued…

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