Sunday, April 22, 2018

2. Chitkaar.

Movie Review : Chitkaar (Gujarati).

Release date: 20/Apr/2018.

It is said that potentially all living beings have the same level of energy and power. Humans, being a subset of the living beings, are no different. However, what matters is the mindset. It is seen that the mental attitude that one possesses can scale heights or can get one plunged into the blackhole. 

The thinking and action as a result of it can not only impact one self but also can trigger the mindset of the person who gets influenced by it. A healthy relationship can turn hostile in matter of moments. Each and everyone of us lives with varied mindsets and attitude during the multiple phases of life and somewhere everything is driven by some sort of influence. The people with more or less generic or common thought process come on one platform and those that are less in numbers are considered as abnormal or mad by this generic lot usually coined as Society. For those less numbered, there are multiple synonyms having technical terminologies in the psychology department of medical science.

Each one of us has a story and this is a story of a woman who is considered to be a case of paranoid schizophrenia.

Based on a true story, the latest Gujarati flick Chitkaar revolves around the life of Ratna who underwent more than enough domestic torture in her life between 30 to 40.

Mark, who is a doctor in psychology, believes that all his patients are human beings and not mere cases to be handled through the medium of drugs. He takes up a challenge to revive Ratna back to normalcy and he does succeed with his theory of love and empathy.

He not only gets Ratna back to the same old happy woman but ensures that she gets an opportunity to lead a wonderful life ahead.

Chitkaar is all about the life and struggle of Ratna that she faces in her golden age, where a human being aspires to make the most of it.

On the critic front, I am aware that it is very easy to chalk down the anomalies but it is very difficult to make a movie and that too a creation that is not meant for entertainment. Such an art is made after accumulating a lot of courage.

While the movie has a good grip on the subject during the first half, the initial 30 minutes post interval could have been curtailed sizeably. Editor has to do a bit more of work in the next endeavor.

The story telling gets quite streamlined when the director and the writer is the same. Music department has done a decent job with the support of the lyrics that add meaning to the story as well as life.

For such a brave attempt that is class oriented, I believe there is a subtle gap in production quality that could have been filled.

Coming to performances, Mehta scores full marks wearing the protagonist hat. Her existence in each frame of the movie is what adds the soul to the story. Kumar is a good actor but too loud at times. It might have been to display is passion towards his profession but certainly needs a check, in my humble opinion. Gheewala's dramatic style adds some light moments to the show. Rest all are apt with their job in do as directed manner.

I have always loved stage artists as they get into the character and add soul to it. This is being mentioned as most of the artists are with stage background. However, movie requires one to be a bit subtle.

Kudos to the director for a ginger attempt to make a movie that probably even he must have thought that it would not appeal to the masses.

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