Wednesday, April 19, 2023

2. Currencies.


Thanks to the Tech-enabled world, seldom I need to visit convenience stores.

Recently, I happened to visit a small store selling groceries and related items. Only one person was managing the heaps of items loaded in the pocket sized outlet.

While I entered, another person hurriedly stepped in. Assuming he must be getting late, I told the person at the store to serve him first.

The person asked the store keeper to pack 200 gms dal and 500 gms rice. The store keeper suggested that if he buys 250 gms dal, the total would be a rounded one.

To this, the person replied - Sorry, I can't as I have money that is only enough for the products and quantity I mentioned. 

I was taken aback. Gathering some courage, I asked - Have you forgotten money at home? In that case, can I help? 

He told me that he has only this much, which will help him eat this dal and rice for few days. Further he said that by then, God will surely find him some work and he will then have a little money to buy more groceries. 

As he uttered the last statement, I couldn't miss noticing a lot of faith and satisfaction on his face. 

While traveling back with a bag full of few items that I procured, I kept wondering - Have I ever thought of the currencies that are beyond money?

The currencies of Hope, Faith, Peace, Bliss, Happiness and Satisfaction!!

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