Sunday, September 30, 2007

4. Future.

After a busy day at work, I feel like moving towards my home. Appear in front of my car realising that i've forgotten the car keys at my desk. Opening my wrist watch panel, I give a voice command which deactivates the keys at my desk. Anyhow, even if I left it activated (default), they can't work unless they recognise my thumb impressions. Still, just to be on a more safer side, you know.

Now, I open the doors of the car. How? Simple. A combination of voice and touch at the door handle.The steering sensors recognise my palm and the engine starts off. What if I take off my hands off the steering? Nah, thats not a way to stop the engine. It goes with a voice-touch combo again.

As I arrive in front of my house, the door opens. Yes, Automatically. It does a retina scan even without me knowing it. I step in the kitchen to grab some food. There is a display on the fridge (short name for refrigerator) which quotes that there ain't any milk. Also, it says that the fruits and juices are about to get exhausted.

I visit the supermarket in my neighborhood. No, I don't go there. The fridge display connects me to it. I order a few things and checkout. It says I need to be there anytime between 17 minutes to 150 minutes to pick up my order. Incase I dont reach there by 100 minutes, I will be reminded through a beep and display on my wrist watch.

Now, I feel like eating some popcorn. My microwave reads my pulse and suggests me to take 100gms of popcorn.It also recommends me, not to take coffee for an hour. Makes sense.

I release a voice command which hits the TV at the speed of 340 meters per second and the TV is on.Some kinda Music is been played as this is the default channel when the TV is switched on. I wanna listen to some news. I just say NEWS. There is some 20 different channels showing news. I select one.

Got a beep. It's time to go to Supermarket. As I switch off the TV, I get a display that I need to return the DVDs. I collect'em and rush to the Supermarket. Throw the DVDs in the return basket, collect my order from window no 3 and checkout using my thumb impression on the monitor where the bill is displayed.

Come back home and cook food using the pre-set microwave program. After that I switch on the music system and sit for my dinner. The speakers are all around my house but the sensors have caught the motion in the kitchen andonly those are turned on. I wanna locate a particular track in my jukebox. I dont remember the words. I just hum the music and the track is located. It starts playing.

I finish my dinner and put all the dishes in the Dishwasher. It's pre-programmed. It's gonna wash and dry the plates/dishes/bowls et al in 30 minutes and dispose them the the tray behind it which will elevate and place itself on my kitchen platform.

I choose to move out of the kitchen. The lights are turned off as I move out (sensors) and meanwhile the dim lights in passage and on the floors turn on for the clear vision. As soon as I step in the bedroom, the lights and the speakers turn on. Oh! I forgot to switch off the music system. Neva mind, I just will give the voice commandto my speakers as have a built-in mic to understand.

As soon as I close my eyes and say Good Night, all the lights in my house go off and I am off to the world of sleep, where everything that seems impossible becomes possible.

I open my eyes and realise that it's morning time and I say Good Morning expecting that the TV in my bedroom will turn on understanding the command. But hey, nothing happened. I see the calendar and the date is 30-Sep-2007.

This is today. I am in Present. Where is the Future? Oops, I have left the Future in my Past (i.e the World of Sleep). Aaha!!

3. Notions.

I love to live with (my) notions. I feel, I exist. I wanted to write that Notions make me feel that I exist.The process starts here. How can something which is not me can make me feel about my existence?

Well, then what is MY in notions? Are they mine or they have become mine? If they are mine, then how come I don't have'em since my birth (built-in). Most of'em are either adapted or a result of some influence.

Are they harming me or anyone around? Well, at first look, NO. Analysing, I discover that sometimes they do.Lets say, I have a notion of not doing a particular thing. Now, at some point in life, there is a situation whereeveryone else around me is doing that thing and I also wanna do that. Suddenly I realise that I cannot do this cosI am into that notion. Everyone around me are aware of that Notion.

Cutting this short, Notion has built an Image for me. Dilip never does this. This is the line.Image is usually a result of the Notions. So far so good but as soon as I reach the point where I desperately wannado something but am stopped by Notion, what will be the outcome? Probability is high that I will get frust.

Is this what I thought while developing Notion? I just wanted to show my existence (through notions) and feel the happiness behind that. What did I find? Frustration?
Aah! but thats the opposite of happiness :)

Notion, I have experienced, leads to fights as well. How dare you say this to me?You cannot say this to me is a Notion and this is where the fight starts. Does it have a happy finish? Let me ask myself.

I always feel I cannot read during Night. Notion. I take a book (cos I feel like reading) and Notion says, you can'tread in night. So whats the option now. Go ahead and switch on the TV, dude. Did I read that watching TV is harmful?

Coming to Image, there is a good old 3 letter word hidden within. It's popularly known as EGO.Does it harm me? May be yes, may be no. If not me, then does it harm anyone else around? Again, yes or no.If it doesn't harm me and does harm people around, Do I really Care?

So many questions. Yeah. I like to ask Questions to myself and this is also a Notion.I want to be free of Notions as I love to enjoy freedom.

Let me think over on the next topic now as I constantly wanna keep writing. Notion, again :)

Friday, September 21, 2007

2. Goals - An Essay.

This is an Essay written for one of my friends on the following topic.

Personal Goals v/s Organizational Goals.

While I start writing this topic, I get a feeling from within that how I can distinguish Personal Goals against Organizational Goals. The reason is pretty straight.

When it comes to setting up my Personal Goals, I always consider myself as a part of some organization or the other. Organization here can be anything like Social, Family, Spiritual, National, etc. To elaborate, my Personal Goals are always related to the growth of the Organization I belong to, in addition to my personal growth.

Anyhow, In spite of such feelings, I would still like to go ahead and kind of distinguish the two, with an exception of blending them when required.

I do sound selfish when it comes to dedicating all my time earning money for my luxuries. Here, I am doing nothing for the Organization as such. All this is for a better life which I need to design for myself.

I could have done so many things for different Organizations I do or do not belong to. I could have helped the Government build up the infrastructure of my country. I could have helped the needy people in the society by dedicating some of my time and money. I could have helped my family for all their present and future necessities. I could have helped people to go ahead in Spiritual path by traveling and sharing some of the spiritual knowledge I have. I term that as the knowledge of Life.

If I earn a lot and pay proper taxes, I can go ahead and support the Government in raising funds which will eventually improve the infrastructure of the country. This will take care of one of my organization called “Nation”.

If I mint big bucks and take out some money out of it for any social cause(s), I can help the needy to reduce their worries. This will take care of my “Social” Organization.

Further, I can use those bucks to satisfy the needs of my family in many ways. I can support someone for Higher Education, some one for Business. This will take care of my “Family” Organization.

Above all, I can use my money for Spiritual growth of Self and others. As a part of “Human” organization, I have a feeling that Spiritual growth is essential and its all about Living Life happily and peacefully.

Hence, at this stage, I just have one personal goal as quoted above. I just want to make big bucks. The repercussion can lead towards achieving one, two or all the organizational goals quoted above. In that case, this essay would become “Personal Goals along with Organizational Goals”.

If I don’t have any other vision besides just making big money and design an ultra-luxurious life for me (not caring about anyone else), the topic still remains “Personal Goals v/s Organizational Goals”.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

1. Paryushan.

The 8/10/18-days of religious "CELEBRATION" as per jainism.

Paryushan, usually come during August or September each year. The dates ain't fixed as the schedule is set according to the hindu calendar. The no of days Paryushan lasts also varies. The reason being there are 2 main sects in Jainism - Shwetamber and Digamber.

The "Shwetambers" follow it for 8 days which are followed by 10 days of "Digamber". Many a times the last day of former is the first of latter. Some people do follow both the sects and hence for them the Paryushan is a 18 (or may be 17) day celebration.

Most of the jains (those who follow jainism are jains; it has nothing to do with which part of the globe they come from or what language they speak) plan to schedule so many religious things during this celebration. For some of them, It's just like other days of the year.

I am one of them. Why? No reasons. Its just a matter of my personal choice.

My folks ask me - ALL SET FOR PARYUSHAN?
I laugh to me and say, it's gonna be just like other days of the year. Some of them might be getting disgusted by this reply. There are some who say - ALL THE BEST of paryushan and I say - Well, Thank you and same to you dear.

Again, I smile and say to self, 3 words wasted. I am writing about paryushan and the irony is I have a question in my mind - What is Paryushan?

May be, Paryushan is a part of Jainism. Ok. Now, what is Jainism?
and if Paryushan is a part of Jainism, then why it is not Jainism and just a part of it.

Jainism is a religion. If its a religion, then is religion a part of my life?

If it is a part of life then is it something different than the way i live normally ?
Lets say its 20 percent of my life. Does that mean, the rest 80 percent is different?

A different thought.
Is Jainism simply a WAY OF LIFE and not just religion?
If, for me, its a way of life....
Doesn't that mean, all the 365 days are the way of my life, if i say i m a JAIN?

The Paryushan starts tomorrow (this is as per those who follow Shwetamber and both) but dunno when will it end - may be in a day, may be in 8 days, may be in 18, in 356, in 365 or may be it lasts FOREVER.

So, now Am I all set for paryushan? Let me ask myself.