Wednesday, July 15, 2009

2. Cause and Effect.

While conversing with one of my friend a couple of days back on the much talked topic of attachment, something clicked my mind and I started my lecture as usual.

When I want to get detached with something or someone, I normally tend to focus on the effect. I say – I wanna get rid off the attachment I am having for that person. If I give a little focus on the cause – the very reason of the happening of attachment, I might be able to deep dive into a different (or should I say correct) perspective. What causes an attachment is the question I need to ask myself.

If I strive to get rid off the cause, I can get detached in a more structured and linear fashion.

1 comment:

vcd said...

Very nice one, dude … cause pe focus jaata hi nahin hai apna for the most part … our actions are more often than not reactive, rather than being proactive … thinking about causes will make us act proactively and as a result avoid the knee-jerk actions that we generally do.