Thursday, April 7, 2011

3. Marriage, Sex and beyond.

In here like, Marriage is a knot. It’s more about controlling each other. Obviously, there is a lot of love but eventually a lot of boredom too.

If I ask a married couple – Are you guys bored of each other? What would be the actual reply? I am not talking about the said reply. There might be some hesitation to accept the truth but just by the virtue of not accepting, truth doesn’t change. And it’s not that boredom is eternal. There are phases. Like with everything, there are.

Just as an example – After few months of marriage, physical relations are no more fantasizing to that extent. I am specially focusing on the physical relation thing cos that’s something which is the most-craved-for delicacy in a married life. Ok, coming back to the thought. Interest gradually decreases but craving certainly stays.

That very part of Life becomes like a chewing gum. No juice, but still sticking on to each other. Trying different ways works until sometime but there is always an end to it.

The way one wants to change clothes, restaurants, hobbies, interiors, exteriors, CHANGE becomes evident in this sport too.

This change is longed but not opted. There are these walls that don’t let one opt – Walls viz. Society norms, Self-ego, Fear, Notions, Religious labels, Look-Good funda, etc…

Some or all of these walls don’t let one cross the limits but the desire, the yearning still persists. The patience is treated at the superficial level but the disease prevails.

In this kashmakash (dilemma), Life moves on and the frustration, agitation piles up and eventually the gap increases. Enters, taken-for-granted feeling.

Life, although complete at the exterior, creates a black hole in the interior. Apparently, Life turns out to be hostile despite possessing everything that is needed to LIVE.

The hunt for the solution starts becoming aggressive.

Some find love outside… Some give up… Some rejuvenate by some or other means… Some resume with frustration… Some take their life for granted… Some take their partner’s life for granted… Some take so called practical approaches of separation et al… Some just overlook personal life and poke into the world… and what not!

Chances are bright that everything gets screwed up but since almost everyone is a sane human being (or pretends to be one), doesn’t quite express on the face and almost everyone feels about each other that all the families rather couples are better off and they are the saddest of the lot. Their life is at turmoil and will remain to be. One breathes but forgets to LIVE.

PS: Net-net, there is no one solution to any issue. There are multiple options to be happy, stay happy. Just need to explore…

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