Saturday, April 9, 2011

5. Priority.

Way back in earlier part of the twentieth century, during the struggle for independence, achieving freedom was the utmost priority. Rather, it was the necessity. Freedom was as important as breathing.

A person (‘freedom fighter’ was more of a tag, it was true with probably each and every citizen of the nation) about to sit for his dinner (or in midst of anything significant / insignificant activity) would leave everything and rush for the freedom campaign on realizing that the call has arrived. There were no mobiles, no televisions, no facebooks, just a call from a next door was more than enough. The call would be as straight and simple as – “We need to gather for a meet against the British Raaj”. That was all!!

Today, the situation is quite different. I need to be at my comfort and mark my calendar for the campaign in the nearby area and that too if some so called exigency occurs, I may chose to opt out thinking that there are so many who can attend instead of me. Me not attending won’t make a big difference and moreover, is the campaign really gonna make some sense? I mean, I am quite ok with the lifestyle I live and the comfort zone I enjoy.

How can I afford to take a day or a half off just for attending the campaign? What is my boss gonna say? I have to think regarding the dependence on this job over the independence from corruption. If it’s a weekend, family and outings is a priority simply cos I don’t feel the need for getting rid off the corruption as I am quite used to the same or maybe, I am ok with it as anyways my work is getting done without much hassles.

Besides, If I fight for corruption, it’s such a deep and wide racket that probably my life would come to an end but not the corruption; rather I am so pessimist that forget about ending the corruption even the beginning to the end of the corruption would not initiate by then.

The need, thirst, hunger is lacking. While I crib about the politicians being corrupt. I am a bigger one supporting them in any which ways.

For me survival is everything. For them, independence from British Raaj was everything. This is the difference.

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