Tuesday, November 28, 2017

7. Re-Union.


Life is beautiful in this small town – She beamed.

This cosy town is nothing less than desert in your absence – He articulated.

I was more than dying to see you. Finally, I get to see you in next 30 minutes – She was all excited as she made this statement.

Believe me, I am also madly waiting. Not only I do hope but also I am beyond thrilled to see your beautiful face – He intoned with a voice full of enthusiasm.

They had decided to meet on 28-Nov at 5pm, after they had dispersed on the same day at 1pm post lunch. The effect of newly discovered courtship, that was.

Monday, November 27, 2017

6. Delicious Dinner Date.


He was asking a recommendation for a wonderful restaurant and a cuisine. He was confused as it was not an easy choice to make although he didn't leave any stone unturned.

She was all decked to go on a dinner date.

He called her up the previous evening and told her that he has picked up a restaurant that serves an amazing dish.

Being a foodie, she asked him if he has ever tried it out.

Indeed, and it was stupendous! - He was excited as he expressed.

The dinner was served.

They had a soothing walk along the shore, post dinner. The beautiful lady thanked him for a lovely dinner as they entered into the car.

After dropping his charming date at outside her apartment, he was giggling throughout until he reached his home. It was a first date with her, after all. He was glad that he had made a right choice of restaurant and cuisine.

A week later, he planned to fix up a second date with her. This time he wanted to try a new place but then he thought of revisiting the same place again since he felt they should experience the memories that are etched over there. He expressed his wish to take her out.

She agreed.

They visited the restaurant umpteen times thereafter.

On a peaceful Sunday afternoon, he called her and requested her to get dressed in a white attire. She didn't envisage anything and just nodded.

He took her at the same place after having a light dinner, as usual he looked upon her with a spark in his eyes.

She was smiling with confusion and asked him - What's the matter, hero?

To me, you are my first ever date and this is the first and only place in my life wherein I have come with a gorgeous lady. I would like to come with only you over here henceforth. I would love to enjoy the fantastic evenings and the amazing food that you love here. You are my first and I am certain, the last date of my life. I wish to transcend over these lovely dates and and fill each date of the calendar with love for you. As he continued, he was on his right knees, his left leg rested on ground and folded at the knee and raising his right hand and while take her right hand ahead, he held her 4 fingers and uttered - Will you marry me? I love you and I need you in my life forever. I want to make memories with you and so much that at the sunset of our life, if I am dead, you can cherish those for your lifetime. Please accept my proposal to marry you.

She was in tears and couldn't speak a word. Biting her lower lip and somehow managing to be stable, she just nodded with her chin southwards. She felt shy but her heart was dancing and bouncing.

Post wedding, they celebrated at the same place over a candle-lit dinner. He had booked the entire restaurant for 2 hours so that all the arrangements could be made.

They would religiously have 2 to 3 dinners a month at the same place.

Days flew, months passed and years walked away...

Both of them had crossed their 60s and were experiencing a wonderful married life.

The three of them would earn a lot of happiness and love. He, She and the Restaurant, that was nothing less than a family.

One day, he got a terrible pain in chest which followed by a stroke. He was admitted and treated.

Doctor told her wife - Currently he is out if danger but due to his extremely low pumping, the next stroke, even a mild one would be fatal.

She wanted to ensure that he shouldn't know anything about this and hence she pretended to sound normal.

He was suffering and he got the hint. He decided to go to the restaurant but she was not keen as the outside food wasn't advisable anymore.

He insisted.

She agreed.

After a few days, he could sense that the end is nearing. He called her besides and was feeling nostalgic.

Slowly but steadily, he started narrating their entire life backwards. She was quietly listening.

As the story reached to the first date, he said - Darling, I want to confess one thing - I had never been to that restaurant earlier and moreover, I didn't like the food that was served when we had gone for the first time and haven't liked it anytime thereafter. However, I didn't want to snatch away the happiness on your face as I always saw you enjoying the same.

She had a flat expression on her face when she exclaimed - Oh my God! That's so sweet of you but let me also confess that I have had the same feeling all my life about the food in that cosy little restaurant.

Both of them couldn't resist laughing on each other. The embraced and simultaneously whisperer in each other's ears - I love you!

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

5. As I...

As I see your message,
My heart skips a beat...
And when it does repeat,
It no less than a treat.

As I listen to your voice,
Goosebumps get in flow...
Towards you, my eyeball makes a throw,
Hands start moving, legs are ready to go.

As I feel you near me,
Its more than a surprise,
My soul does mesmerize...
And emotions multiply their size.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

4. Candles.


I love you – She texted him.

Jumping out of his cubicle, he was overjoyed and replied – Wow! Am I seeing a dream?

She responded – What happened? Can’t I express my feelings?

He beamed – I am more than excited to read this after a long while, as I don’t even remember when was the last time you expressed it to me.

She had a chuckle on her face, which she transmitted through the text message.

Wait! Wait!! Wait!!! – Are you wanting to shop something expensive, ha-ha?

She broke into a laughter and followed by 3 grinning smileys, she added – What do you think?

No, I am not doubting it but am a bit coaxed. Ha-Ha. I am loving it, nonetheless.

Enjoy the attention, baby – She typed followed by a wink.

I love you too, hottie – He replied and added a kiss icon.

You took like almost a century to respond to my first statement, isn’t it? – She didn’t suffix this statement with any emoticon.

He felt worried but had to balance – I was elated, also a bit anxious and hence took some time. Also, at least I replied. Better late than never, darling.

Are you taunting me? – Again, the absence of a symbolic gesture was evident.

Hey no no, I was just adding some humour. Let’s lit up a candle tonight over a delicious dinner – This was the best way he felt to cover up.

She keyed – Ok and appended it with a simple smiley.

He was emotional when he entered the text – I am really sorry for what happened this morning. I pushed off without concluding the argument. I am sure I sounded very rude but I wouldn’t budge as I wanted to blame you for the occurrence. Ideally, I should have apologized. I felt like doing so. However, my ego didn’t allow me. It is very silly of me. I am the culprit for shouting on you. Please forgive me. Love you loads and eternally.

She deleted all the above messages except the last long text and slid the phone next to his wife who was about to wake up. In a moment, his wife took the phone and read the long text. The wife was in tears and replied with a big red heart icon.

She felt happy to see the emotional smile on the wife’s face and was also glad to be an instrument in mending the quarrel between her mom and dad.

As he entered home at about 8.30 pm, he was thrilled to see the candles lit on the dinner table. So was the wife as she came out from her room. Fortunately, there was no exchange of words over the candles but those were ignited by their sweet little daughter, obviously!

Sunday, November 5, 2017

3. પાઠશાળા.


શિક્ષણ મળ્યું તે શાળા, સિંચન થયું એ પાઠશાળા...

માતા પિતા જન્મ આપે, જીવન આપે એવા માતા પિતા મળ્યા એ પાઠશાળા...

સ્વાર્થ ના સંબંધો તો બને અને ફરે,  આત્મીય સગપણ થયું એ પાઠશાળા...

દોસ્ત તો ઘણા આવે અને જાય, કલ્યાણ મિત્રો નો સાથ મળ્યો એ પાઠશાળા...

25 વર્ષ તો તારીખો માં થયાં,
અનંત વર્ષો ની પૂંજી મળી એ પાઠશાળા...

'સર' એ સ્વીકાર કર્યો, 1992 માં,
2017 સુધી પણ સહર્ષ સહન કરી જેણે મને એ પાઠશાળા...

દુનિયા માં ઘણી જગ્યાએ કદાચ કોઈ કારણ થી સમાવ્યો મને,
જેને યોગ્યતા જોયા વગર એના દિલ માં સ્થાન આપ્યું મને, એ પાઠશાળા...

રજત જયંતિ પર સહુ ને વધામણા..

Thursday, November 2, 2017

2. Next Station... Dadar.

The beauty of the commute in the Maximum City Mumbai is recognised well. I am afraid if I am sounding sarcastic but it’s indeed a diverse fun altogether to traverse around.

Some days back, I had an invite to attend a premiere show at a theatre that is around 19 kms from where I abide. I had to reach at sharp 2000 and the earliest I could start from home was at 1855.

For someone residing in another city of the world, it could be a 30-40 minute drive or ride. However, in Mumbai, Google maps also fumble during the peak hours. There was no way I could take the roadway. My instinct wasn’t allowing either.

The fastest way I could think was to rick it up from home to the nearest railway station which is approximately 1.2 kms. The parallel thought framed a calculation that resulted in anticipating 6 minutes to cover this distance in Rick (a 3-wheeled public transport) and to add to it, a couple of more minutes in finding it and 2 more in the transaction. So all in all, an investment of 10 minutes. I had to trade this off with jumping on the pilot seat of a 2-wheeled baby. I was at the station entrance at 1900.

The next negotiation to be done was at the ticket window. Since I don’t frequent with the rail route, I do not possess a pass and hence I had to queue up. Although I love the fact that no one can beat the time taken to cover the distances within the city, at times I linger over the minute apprehensions to commute in train. The railways have all the rights to hate me for not loving them but they always embrace me with open arms and wide doors. I truly love their generosity.

Naturally, after quite a few months I was thrilled as I stepped into the compartment and while doing that, I was meticulously warned by the announcer to watch out the distance between the foot board and the platform.

Besides this, before the arrival of the next station – a lady with sweet voice would convey the name and repeat it in 3 languages. Intermittently, I was also being cautioned to take care of my belongings and beware of the petty crime.

I had all the opportunity to crib about the state of the public transport. However, it was so cool that adequate instructions were furnished to take care of one own self. I am sure no one is perfect but to warn others to be careful about the imperfections is incredible. Isn’t it?

On a tangent, I was observing the fellow passengers absorbed in their phones, chats, looking around and also, a couple of them running their businesses by means of selling some stuff. I believed all of this to be a regular stuff which was a seldom occurrence for me. I was travelling for a leisure outcome whereas there may be many for which all this is a part of their life and yet, they were apparently satisfied about it. They might have accepted the reality; it is not a small task nonetheless.

With multiple experiences of love, excitement, empathy, care and beyond, it was time for me to get down to switch to another train as the saccharine vocal sound made an admittance into my ears – Next Station Dadar, अगला स्टेशन दादर, पुढील स्टेशन दादर.

1. Woman - An Umbrella.

A Woman is an umbrella..

She takes the heat,
She welcomes the rain,
Ensures that her family
Is away from pain...

Gets herself drenched,
Yet ensures everyone's gain,
Burns herself into sweat,
Though her recognition in vain.

Few lines added By Sanika..

Dilip, here is my addition (argument) in continuation to your poem --
She's the first one you think of to protect from heat or rain,
She's easily recognized whether made-up or plain,
Playing the victim, is not always the name of our game,
APPRECIATION along with recognition, should be part of our fame.😊