Friday, September 5, 2008

4. The Third Law.

Formally stated, Newton's third law of motion goes this way – “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

The statement means that in every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the two interacting objects. The size of the forces on the first object equals the size of the force on the second object. The direction of the force on the first object is opposite to the direction of the force on the second object. Forces always come in pairs - equal and opposite action-reaction force pairs.

In conjunction to the above, I would like to express my sincere gratitude towards Newton for giving such a wonderful lesson in life. How? Let me dig.

What do I presume, rather expect, when I put some efforts to achieve something? All the efforts (action) should result in desired fruits (reaction). Does this always happen? If yes, amazing. If no, why? Were the efforts insufficient?

Is it possible that two people simultaneously put same efforts but get different results? I say yes. I am sure most of the readers will agree.

What is the theory behind this? Is it that the very action (effort) is considered? Umm, May be or probably some things are destined. How does destiny work and why it works differently with each one? Is destiny also a part of some action done in past?

How past is this past? May be - Something before birth. Nopes, I don’t believe this. Of course, how can I believe mysteries? Rather, why should I believe the unknown? It doesn’t mean that the things which are unknown don’t exist. True, but for that matter it doesn’t even mean that they exist too. What is the evidence?

Why does some vehicle come and accidently bang my car? Probably, there is this careless driver but then why my vehicle only? What does an accident mean? May be, something unplanned, unanticipated, uncertain. Why do such uncertainties prevail?

In spite of taking same steps daily, some day, why do I fall down? Why does the stone from no where come and hit me? Why do I not win a lottery? Many a times, why does destiny override the talent?

Despite thinking positive about someone, why does that person fail to understand me? On the contrary, why does some one get fooled by my negative qualities? If I hit some one and he doesn’t hit me back till I die, when will he hit me? If I kill 1 person in life and I am hanged till death by the court judgment, that’s fair enough. What if I kill 10 people? When will my 9 balance hangings crop up?

Why do some things happen to me? Why do some things not happen to me? How come I am so famous regardless of doing anything great? What and when was my action in inheriting heaps of luxuries from my parents?

How do I tally the balance sheet of my life?

What will happen to my current actions? If I die all of a sudden, will I get the fruits related to my efforts? Will my actions come back to me as equal and opposite reactions?

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