Monday, November 17, 2008

5. Small Stuff.

While putting on my contact lenses last evening, I realized that the one I put in the right eye was giving some itching sensation. I pulled it off, rinsed and put again. Again, the same sensation. This was due to a minute dust particle which was either on the lens or in the eye. I rinsed my eyes and lens a couple of times but this sensation would linger. Frustrated and Agitated, Finally I gave up and put spectacles.

The similar thing happened this morning. I had an itching sensation after the first insert; this time in the left eye. As I didn’t have much time, I planned to have breakfast with the itching feeling and decided to think about the lens post breakfast.

To my surprise, post breakfast, I didn’t have any such sensation. It had vanished. I started thinking, how come it just happened? The mind was diverted for a few minutes and all the pain caused by the small stuff was gone.

Doesn’t this happen in my day-to-day life? Aren’t there any such small glitches happening? Don’t I get such hiccups almost every day? What do I do?

I focus on it. The more I get involved, the more it loiters. If I give myself a break and just ignore it for a few minutes, I am sure it would go away even with me knowing about it.

“Don’t sweat the small stuff and it’s all a small stuff” says Richard Carlson very aptly. It’s a book worth implementing.

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