Tuesday, August 18, 2009

6. What Next? - Opinions.

Request - In my opinion, before reading this post, going through the post below this one can be a better choice.

The previous posting ended with a question. Hence I got some feedbacks on What Next?
The most common answer, rather opinion was – Embrace Spiritualism. The other opinion was to just live life as it comes - as an Observer. Whatever happens, develop a practice of observing it.

Spiritualism sounded just too fanciful. For me, being spiritual means getting into study and belief of something which is a relgious tradition followed since years and includes too many myths and no logic embedded whatsoever.

Being an observer seemed somewhat canny. The theory was to just observe everything happening around and not to react with all the involvement. Whenever it’s necessary to react, do it but being an observer in its entirety. For instance, I am standing at the window of my apartment and a visitor car comes in and bangs my neighbor’s car. Observing this, how will I react? If same thing happens with my car, how will I react? If there is absolutely no difference in the reaction, I am an observer in its totality.

Whatever has happened has happened. There are legal ways (set rules) to sort it out. The consequence of using those ways might result in anything but certainly just reacting adversely on the thing that has happened is not gonna help. If the result is in my favor, I feel happy and lucky and if not, I can and do blame my destiny. Sometimes, I start with blaming others (third-party, government, society and law) but then end up blaming my destiny. Ultimately, it’s all believed to be destined. Hence, accepting the destiny is a viable approach.

In this entire process, what I have done is observed and accepted. I am not neglecting the efforts put but surely there is no logical trail. Had there been a logical and systematic action-reaction-result cycle, life would have been all set for me. All my actions with an intention and preparation of getting successful would have resulted in success. I always feel – I can do this; In my absence, this can’t be controlled; I have the capability of turning the cards. With this feeling, I get into the intricacies of joy and grief resulting from success and failure respectively.

“If I do something and as a result of that, something should happen” is ok but if “should” is replaced by “must” and in reality if something that was considered as “must happen” doesn’t happen, I get dejected. “Should” can be considered as being an Observer and “Must” can be considered as being logical. It doesn’t mean that observers are illogical. Logic, here is taken as something what I can apply in an action and always expect to get a constant and set outcome.

Spiritualism, I believe is not way different than this. If I live a life of an observer, I can always be awake and alert in my actions. I start believing that not everything (crudely, nothing) is in my control. I accept calmly whatever happens. Neither triumph excites me nor does breakdown result in anguish. Hence, I can live in peace throughout. The ultimate goal of spiritualism is to live and rest in tranquility. Worshiping god, believing in his words, following his path are all ways and modes of attaining serenity.

“What Next?” might not have been replied to any extent but thinking on above opinions of spiritualism and observer, I do have the reply to “What Immediate Next?”

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