Saturday, March 16, 2019

5. Respect for Money.

Respect for Money

When a phone rings on a lazy weekend afternoon, it is boring to even check who is calling. Since this one rang when I was walking back from my water break to become a couch potato again, I checked on the name that flashed.

Never thought that an initial warm-up talk will help me gain great insights.

Upon asking about the kid's routine, my friend on the phone told me that her kid is doing awesome and has started earning too.

I was astonished assuming start-up India being taken up so seriously and before I could run my horses further, she told me about the revenue model.

Each day if the kid finishes her school meal, she would get ₹10. On completing afternoon snack, another bill of the same amount. Also, another chance of remuneration would occur if the dinner was sorted with zero tantrums. Above all, if the behaviour throughout the day was satisfying as per general criteria decided, ₹20 would be rewarded. Net-net, an opportunity to make ₹50 a day.

At the end of the first month, her earning was ₹960.

It was decided to leave upto the kid to utilize the money but with the consent of parents.

The best outcome of this exercise appeared when the mommy and kid went to a store to buy a few things that the kid wanted to buy from her own income. After selecting the items, the kid rushed to the cash counter and started enquiring about the sum-total of the bill.

Since it was her own money spent, she realized the value of it and in turn, earned a lot of love and respect from her parents.

From the bottom of my heart, I respect such lovely parents who don't miss on inculcating awesome values in the kid's life.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

4. Hunger-Value?

Hunger Value?
A beautiful café facing the breezy sea-front serves a captivating coffee that enables candid conversations.
After a gap of around 5 months, I had a rendezvous with these 2 pretty ladies. Amid the usual talks about how-what & old-new, one of the phones rang.
Rasam apologized and requested to break the protocol. Kinaya and I nodded. Instead of eavesdropping, we resumed our conversation. In a couple of minutes, she was back and jumped into the chat expressing her concern. Her kid had called and wanted her to buy a chocolate for him.
Both of us weren’t surprised until she mentioned that every evening her kid has to throw numberless tantrums during the dinner time and at the end it isn’t guaranteed if he will still have it.
Kinaya offered an idea. She told Rasam to carry the stuff he has demanded but tell him that she hasn’t got it. Upon cribbing, tell him few facts about the Global hunger index in a subtle and simple manner. Further, add a statement about how fortunate we are to have a lavish meal spread uninterruptedly.
Lastly and most importantly, tell him that at the least what we can do is pray each day for the well-being of the entire world and wish that not a single human on this planet should sleep hungry tonight. Before asking him to pray, tell him that if he prays every day, magical things will happen and this can be proven on the first day itself – God will send him what he has desired for and his mom has forgotten to bring.
The next morning, I wake up to a message on KRD whatsapp group that read – Kinaya, I love you. Your idea rocked. Never knew Arth would be so mature and sensitive at a tender age of 8. Let’s meet soon guys.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

3. રાગ-વિતરાગ.

Few lines suggested by Suchit...


રાગ રાગ રાગ,
ભયંકર છે આગ,
ઝહેરીલો છે નાગ,
બચવું હોય તો જાગ...

જાગ જાગ જાગ,
આત્મા પર છે દાગ,
કર મોહ માયા નો ત્યાગ,
સમ્યક્ત્વ તરફ ભાગ...

ભાગ ભાગ ભાગ,
સમેટ વિષયો ની માગ,
લઇ સંસાર માંથી પરાગ,
સત્પુરુષ ની પાછળ લાગ...

લાગ લાગ લાગ,
જ્યારે સલામત છે હાથ પાગ,
કર જ્ઞાની નો ચાગ,
તો બની જઈશ વિતરાગ...
વિતરાગ, વિતરાગ, વિતરાગ !!! 

Thursday, March 7, 2019

2. Share the Joy.

Recently, I was travelling with a friend and the typical me was on a constant chatter mode. It was a long journey and sure enough, we had a lot to talk about.

I happened to asked him about his 7-year young champ. He smiled and conveyed that the dude was all good but he comes up with some or the other demand every day and the list is growing. He also added that although they can afford to fulfil his wish list, it is important for the little one to realize the value of the same.  

I asked him if I can poke in. He approved. I asked him to continue fulfilling his wish but next time whenever he asks for anything, buy 2 units and give him. Naturally, he will ask about the extra piece and when he does so, tell that obviously, one of the two is to be consumed by him and the other one is to be gifted by him to someone who cannot afford it.

In less than a week, he called me and requested to catch-up over a coffee. I assumed that my idea must have bombed big time and now he is gonna chew me up.

As he entered the lounge, I stood up to shake hands. He told my hand, nudged me closer and tightly hugged. Before I could react, he started expressing his gratitude and further told me that the gesture of sharing worked so well and had a great impact on his kid.

The small boy actually carried both the articles with him on his next trip to the school. Soon as he saw an underprivileged kid, he approached and with his own hands, gifted the stuff to him. Moreover, during the weekend, he accumulated all the things that were in great shape and conveyed that he wants to present all these things to those who are in need.

Sharing Joy is the only avenue where division results in multiplication.

Monday, March 4, 2019

1. Mankhurd Shahaji School Computer Lab.

Typing on an elite laptop is no longer a fanciful activity for me but when I recollect my childhood, each finger placed on a keyboard would generate a lot of excitement in my heart. Today, I saw the kids at the public school with a similar excitement upon switching on the newly installed computers and I asked myself – With miraculous technological advancement, fancy gadgets and easy access to the web world, how come these folks are still deprived of something that is as basic as food, clothing and shelter?

I live in a world that is far away from even thinking about scarcities of life as for me comforts are a daily thing and luxuries are routine. Seldom, when I get an opportunity to peep into other side of the world, I feel blessed with what I have in my life. On the other hand, sometimes I share the thought of making world a little better place for the less fortunate ones, with my folks. Few weeks back, when I came across an opportunity through a dear friend of mine, I thought of sharing it further.

A public school in a small suburb of Mumbai is an educational hub for 1600 students studying in English, Hindi, Tamil and Urdu medium. In a neat set-up and hygienic environment, these lovely kids study with a comprehensive enthusiasm. However, they didn’t have an adequate facility for computer education. The idea was to set-up a computer lab and install enough computers that can help them get equipped with the necessary Information Technology know-how.

This project was initiated by Balan, who heads one of the Rotary clubs in the city. The overall expense was nearly `150K including computers and civil, of which the best quote that we received for 12 good quality refurbished computers was `90K. Balan had begun the crowd-funding from his end and started working on the logistics related to infrastructure set-up. I spoke about this program with a close friend & kind soul Sanjay who immediately expressed his desire to take this up. In a couple of days, he sent the entire amount to the computer vendor and the work took up the pace.

My lovely friends supported me with the logistics, stationery work and of course, their warm presence for the inauguration that happened today. I had to do absolutely nothing as everything was taken care of by these fantastic folks.

From the bottom of my heart and soul, I would like to express my gratitude towards Sanjay, Prasanna, Balan, Praful, S.Dasan, Vipul, Dhimantbhai, Atman, Suvidh, Monica, Anita, Pritiben, Kinjal, Rinkle, Foram, Bharatbhai and the entire team of Young Sevaks and Rotary club and all those who were a part and heart of this wonderful outcome. Together, with the grace of almighty, we all could be a small instrument in spreading happiness and generating smiles on 1600 faces.

Love you all. ThanQ so much. Prayers and Well-being for all…