Thursday, March 14, 2019

4. Hunger-Value?

Hunger Value?
A beautiful café facing the breezy sea-front serves a captivating coffee that enables candid conversations.
After a gap of around 5 months, I had a rendezvous with these 2 pretty ladies. Amid the usual talks about how-what & old-new, one of the phones rang.
Rasam apologized and requested to break the protocol. Kinaya and I nodded. Instead of eavesdropping, we resumed our conversation. In a couple of minutes, she was back and jumped into the chat expressing her concern. Her kid had called and wanted her to buy a chocolate for him.
Both of us weren’t surprised until she mentioned that every evening her kid has to throw numberless tantrums during the dinner time and at the end it isn’t guaranteed if he will still have it.
Kinaya offered an idea. She told Rasam to carry the stuff he has demanded but tell him that she hasn’t got it. Upon cribbing, tell him few facts about the Global hunger index in a subtle and simple manner. Further, add a statement about how fortunate we are to have a lavish meal spread uninterruptedly.
Lastly and most importantly, tell him that at the least what we can do is pray each day for the well-being of the entire world and wish that not a single human on this planet should sleep hungry tonight. Before asking him to pray, tell him that if he prays every day, magical things will happen and this can be proven on the first day itself – God will send him what he has desired for and his mom has forgotten to bring.
The next morning, I wake up to a message on KRD whatsapp group that read – Kinaya, I love you. Your idea rocked. Never knew Arth would be so mature and sensitive at a tender age of 8. Let’s meet soon guys.

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