Sunday, December 17, 2023

2. Freedom.

 "Freedom" can be available for all of us but if the use of "Freedom" is going to make us dependent in the future, the "Freedom" is bound to turn harmful.

For instance, if I assume that I am free to serve myself with vices, somewhere down the line it will create a harm for me. 

Freedom that was supposed to set me free, can potentially enslave me, if not utilized with "maturity"

Monday, December 11, 2023

1. Mangi Tungi.

To conquer a fear, one of the choices I can make is to invite it head-on.

Last week, when I checked the message on the group, I ignored after an initial glance. It mentioned about 7-8 hour night journey by bus to reach the base and start climbing in the wee hours.

Over years, I have been nurturing the phobia of being hostile to the road travels in the dark hours. Inviting this fear to join the party wasn’t an easy job but the white portion of the mind conveyed the invitation with an assumption of calling in for the party and leaving the preparations part to the cosmos.

At 10 pm before boarding the bus, witnessing a group of 20 that encompassed young and chirpy folks was a lucrative starter on the plate. Soon as the bus departed, the gang was all pepped up to play loud music and have maximum fun during the voyage. In round 1, Mr. Fear was knocked down.

After having a lot of fun with music and singing, the clock showed 1.30 am and probably, some sane minds received a thought that mentioned about the expedition that was imminent in few hours. A quick tea & bio break was around the corner, too.

Even though the north and south eyelids were enticed to meet each other, the brain-master was contemplating the strategy for round 2. Amid the hustle, a couple of hours passed, and so did round 2 with an average performance.

The upcoming round was about checking out the remaining distance and trusting the ETA provided by the map app. Shutting-Opening eyes, breathing exercise and passing thoughts came to the rescue. At 6 am, the fear was knocked. Now, it was time to conquer the 2 peaks. However, it seemed that the tougher battle was won. Yippee!!

The base village hosted 2 beautiful temples in the premise. Earning some beautiful moments at those shrines could sweep away all the tiredness accumulated during the night.

Post belly-filling fuel and a taste-quenching hot coffee, we reached the base and at about 7.45 am, we embarked onto our climb.

There are several different numbers mentioned about the stairs. Anyway, I didn’t bother much about the count. The focus was on the 3 landmarks to be visited during the excursion. 

Slowly and gradually, we reached the first stop that is an open-air home to the 108 feet humungous Lord Rushabhdev (The first tirthankar of the current era per Jainism). The Ego in me that I feel is huge got completely dwarfed by the existence and divinity of this tall-standing almighty. Lord needs nothing, but with an intent to purify our souls, we recited about 5 prayer songs and sat in silence for some time.

The next milestone was to regroup at the upper base that bifurcates into 2 further climbs. On the left is the Mangi pinnacle and on the right, the Tungi summit is visible. Leaders chose to opt for Mangi first, and thereafter, we moved our stationary bodies.

At the top, along with soothing peace, we encountered wonderful caves that must have been dwelling since several generations or maybe centuries. Most of the caves hosted single & multiple idols of God. After visiting few, we settled in one; and the energetic young guns recited a new set of bhajans that were once again a treat to the ears and soul.

We circled the summit and regrouped before starting to descend towards the bifurcation. At that juncture, some of us treated ourselves with the refreshing lemon juice that hydrated the body and the sugar in it, ignited the tastebuds.

The road to Tungi is popularly called at the staircase to the heaven. I believe there can be no better description for this. With fantastic views on all the sides, reaching the Tungi summit made me feel heavenly.

Tungi is also a celestial abode to a lot of divine souls residing in form of pious idols, carvings inside the caves and on the outer periphery of the gigantic rock.

It is said that 99 crore souls have attained liberation over a period of years from the Mangi-Tungi Mountain.

At about 12.30 pm, we had the final group meet at the upper base before the last descent.  The Sun was at the peak of its youth but the weather was not very hot. It was time to decline to the main base and before that, some of us felt like giving justice to the luring fresh lime.

The clock showed 1.15 pm when I managed to reach the base. Few of us chose to eat at the kitchen hosted inside the temple premises near the mountain base.

Post having a delicious Rajasthani lunch followed by a tasty buttermilk, we bid adieu to the most marvelous temples and the enormous Mangi-Tungi mountain. The driver stepped on the gas at about 2.30 pm.

While return, the only halt we had was around Sunset, where hot snacks were served. I chose to stuff in enough that could help me survive till next morning.

Travelling about 550 kms on road in 24 hours and making space of a pilgrim climb and descent consisting of 8000-9000 stairs (number vary as there’s no confirmed info with me) was something I couldn’t have imagined doing anytime.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude towards all the organizers for creating this entire experience a stupendous one as well as to the entire group who was so friendly, enthusiastic and supportive. Also, loved the individual and group conversations. Certainly, looking forward to more and more lovely times ahead.

Got to now ponder over challenging the next fear. Until then, Kind regards & Namaste!

Couple of Video links:

Monday, October 2, 2023

1. दोस्त.


कितना कुछ देखता हूँ, काफी कुछ सुनता हूँ, 

ना जाने कितना सोचता हूँ, क्या क्या मैं समझता हूँ

फिर भी कुछ पल ऐसे आते है

समझदारी पीछे छोड़ जाते है

मायूसी-सी छा जाती है 

एक अजीब खामोशी लाती है

जिस रास्ते पर चलना नहीं 

जिन हालातों पर ढलना नहीं

कदम उसी दिशा में उठते है 

बेवजह अपने से खुद रूठते है 

ज़िन्दगी के मोड़ बदलते है

मन ले जाए वहां चलते है

कहने को खुला आसमान है

लेकिन अपना तो सुना पड़ा मकान है 

दिल के कमरे में कैद मेरा जहां है 

सिसकते इन लम्हो का अंत कहां है 

सूरज ढलता है सांझ होते होते 

अपनी तो सुबह ही है अँधेरी रोते रोते

तब एक हाथ पीछे से थपथपाता है 

बाहें फैलाये मेरा "दोस्त" मुस्कुराता है

चल कहीं बैठकर चाय पीते है 

दो पल, चार लम्हें, हस्ते हस्ते जीते है 

कितना कुछ देखा है, काफी कुछ सुना है, 

ना जाने कितना सोचा है, क्या क्या मैंने समझा है 

निकालने बैठु इन सब बातों का निष्कर्ष 

सब से अनमोल लगता है उस "दोस्त" का आत्मस्पर्श 


Sunday, July 23, 2023

1. ज़रा हटके.

 भीड़ में हर कोई चाहता है, सब उसे देखे,

क्या होगा, अगर यह भीड़ मुझ पर भी दे एक नज़र 

और क्या होगा, अगर कोई ना डाले आंखें मुझ पर 

शोर में हर किसीको लगता है, सब उसको सुने,

क्या होगा, इस शोर में मेरी भी आवाज़ जोड़कर 

और क्या होगा, जो मैं रहु चुप, एक किनारे बैठकर 

दुनिया चल पड़ी है कुछ न कुछ साबित करने,

क्या होगा, अगर बता दू मैं भी अपने हुनर  

और क्या होगा, चला जाऊं, बगैर अस्तित्व का यकीन दिलाकर 

अधिकतर सोच सिमित है, बिछ जीने और मरने,

क्या होगा, जो मैं भी सोचु केवल, इस आयुष्य का सफर

और क्या होगा, अगर मेरे विचार जाए ये सीमा उलाँघकर 

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

1. साधना.

हर चीज़ में इच्छा है,
हर काम में वासना है,
अनंत काल से केवल,
 संसार की करी कामना है

पूर्व की कमाई को भोग रहा,
भविष्य के लिए क्या बांधना है?
अति दुर्लभ इस मनुष्य जन्म में,
क्या सिर्फ इस भव का सोचना है?

कर्म उदय अनुसार आएंगे,
उनका करना सामना है,
उनसे मुक्त होने का तथ्य,
इसी जीवन में जानना है 

यह जन्म को हारने से फिर,
शायद असंख्य काल घूमना है,
जागृति रख, राग-द्वेष-मोह त्याग,
मुक्ति के लिए, यह साधना है !!!

Sunday, May 14, 2023

1. उन्होंने चाय पी.

कॉलेज की हमारी छोटी सी दुनिया,
वैसे तो काफी खूबसूरत चहेरे,
लेकिन एक ऐसी हसीना,
जिसके आगे पीछे लोग लगाते फेरे...

महीने गुज़रे, बीते साल,
अचानक से कल, लाल बत्ती पर,
फिर वही आँखे, गुलाबी गाल,
उनकी हमारी मिली नज़र...

हम थे लिए अपनी मोटर साईकिल,
वह थी चार पहियों पर सवार,
इससे पहले हम संभाले अपना दिल,
बोली चलो, चाय पे करें बातें चार...

हमारी जुर्रत, हम करते मना,
अगले मोड़ हम दोनों उतरे,
उनका हुस्न चमक रहा दुगना,
छोटू ने चाय के गिलास भरे...

उन्होंने चाय पी,
हमने उनकी आँखों से पी

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

2. Currencies.


Thanks to the Tech-enabled world, seldom I need to visit convenience stores.

Recently, I happened to visit a small store selling groceries and related items. Only one person was managing the heaps of items loaded in the pocket sized outlet.

While I entered, another person hurriedly stepped in. Assuming he must be getting late, I told the person at the store to serve him first.

The person asked the store keeper to pack 200 gms dal and 500 gms rice. The store keeper suggested that if he buys 250 gms dal, the total would be a rounded one.

To this, the person replied - Sorry, I can't as I have money that is only enough for the products and quantity I mentioned. 

I was taken aback. Gathering some courage, I asked - Have you forgotten money at home? In that case, can I help? 

He told me that he has only this much, which will help him eat this dal and rice for few days. Further he said that by then, God will surely find him some work and he will then have a little money to buy more groceries. 

As he uttered the last statement, I couldn't miss noticing a lot of faith and satisfaction on his face. 

While traveling back with a bag full of few items that I procured, I kept wondering - Have I ever thought of the currencies that are beyond money?

The currencies of Hope, Faith, Peace, Bliss, Happiness and Satisfaction!!

1. Karma.

 Many a times it happens that the one we are extremely close to turn out to be the epicenter of hatred / complaints / challenges / issues..

Typically spouse and surprisingly in case of parents also at times..

What is worth pondering over is .. why we meet that particular person who comes very close and then in due course of time, some or the other issues crop up and then due to the ego and distance created, despite living together, the special feeling is by and large amiss except for the social showcase. 

This is how Karma works.

Some transactions have been pending since long. Those are both, happy transactions and otherwise. Happy transactions might get squared off in few months, years at times and the remainder might be pending. For that, staying close to one another is an imperative but internal toxicity scales as those transactions are yet to be squared off. 

The process of squaring off is interesting. It can result in closing the balance sheets or maybe adding more transactions for the future.

The solution to all this lies within. The change of mindset is the main thing that can work.  

Questions like - what is my fault, why should I give up, why do i need to compromise always - turn futile.

The way to go is - A jailer has come in my life to penalize me for whatever is happening to me. It's certainly my past Karma that has enabled an instrument to work towards penalizing me. The mistake committed by me in some unknown past were maybe against that instrument or some other instrument. What matters is - it is my crime and hence I am being punished. 

The system doesn't discriminate. It won't give me results for someone else's karma. Yes, the jailer can come in any form. The crux of the matter is - result, phase, situation (penalty or pleasure) is all due to my Karma.

So when the situation crops up, what do I need to do?

This is the effort (Purusharth) at the present moment and in all the tenses, only Present tense is totally in my hand. Here, I get a choice to either retaliate or gracefully accept whatever comes. Whatever I choose will be fed into the system and the result of my present moment Purusharth will be recorded. In the future, when the Future will become Present, I will be presented with a situation per what I did in my past. 

Since the length of past and future is infinite, the duration will depend on the calculations that the system has done during the Purusharth.

In short, I am sole responsible for whatever happens to me, despite the fact that the past deeds may or may not be in my memory.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

1. Paaya Khoya.

Socho to itna kuch khoya hai, 

Aur Dekho to kitna kuch paaya hai, 

Jab duniya me aaya tha,

Tab Maine kaha kuch laaya hai,

Aur kitna bhi Purusharth, Kar lu mere dost, 

Maut ke baad Kaun kaha, Kuch le jaa paaya hai?