Monday, August 27, 2007

10. Rules.

Why do I follow rules which are not formed by me? Ya, True. I shouldn’t.

How about the rules which are formed by the Government?
Oh yes. I need to follow them. Infact, I have to follow them.

What, if I don’t follow them? Hey, don’t even think of not following them.
Why? Aah c’mon; I might just be caught and have to pay for it and suffer as well.

If I am sure that I won’t be caught, will I still follow them?
How can I be sure about it?

Lets assume that somehow I am sure about it. What will I do then?
Ofcourse, I won’t follow them.
What why? Why do I follow rules if I am not going to be caught?

Can’t I follow the rules by my choice?
Yes I do; only if I have formed them.
What about the rules not formed by you but for you?
Again, why should I if I don’t like’em?

Just because they are set for me by the Government of the country which I stay in, Isn't it my responsibility to follow’em? Above that, the Government is also formed by me and I am very much a part of it. Hence the rules are actually formed by me, for me. Anyways, this is a different angle.

I feel that following the rules can set me free.
Wow! What’s that?

For Instance, Why do I buy ticket when I travel by any public transport?
If I am caught, I have to pay heavy penalty and I might also be jailed.
Well, Can I not buy the ticket with the feeling that I am paying for the services provided by the Government?
Similarly, Can I not pay taxes with the feeling that the money taken by Government will be invested in the infrastructure and other areas which will take the country further?

If I have a feeling of paying for the services, I will be free from the thought/feeling/fear of being caught. I will follow the rules by my choice. The rules will be mine.

Infact, those won’t be rules anymore. With such attitude, they will just become a way of life, a part of life.

Can I see beyond this and think of implementing the same with respect to family, friends, money, relations and love? Can I sense the feeling of freedom within the prison of world?

Hey, where is the Prison?

9. Walls.

These days, I have been feeling a lot about Walls. Not literally, though. I feel what kind of walls I am living in. You can consider these Walls as some boundaries in which I have tied myself.

Coincidently, last Sunday, I saw an Indian (Hindi) movie titled Teen Deewarein (Three Walls). Most of the movie has been shot in a Prison. It’s a story of 3 prisoners who have been sentenced to death penalty. The movie is pretty well-made and the story has been told in such a way that it’s difficult to take the eyes off the screen.

I would like to focus on the thoughts and feelings here; the thoughts, which flowed in during the movie and my feelings over a period of few weeks.

Repeating, what kind of walls have I been living in all my life? Are these the walls made up of family, friends, relations, money and love? One, two, some or all of them? Why do I treat them as walls? Have I created those walls? I am talking about the creation of ‘walls’ here. Family et al is always there. Again, Do I feel they are walls?

Am I bound by these? Yes. I feel I am.

“You guyz are living in the world of prison and We are living in the prison of world”. This was one dialogue in Teen Deewarein which made me feel what I should keep on feeling this moment, this moment (I wanted to write “next moment”, but as I started writing – it became this moment).

Yes. I feel I am bound by these walls. I have two choices.
Either I go ahead and break these walls or else I stay there and find freedom within the prison of world.

How? It’s quite individual. Probably, my next blog can say a little related to this.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

8. Mumbai.

a small poem on great mumbai.

mumbai naam ki mayanagri lagti mujhko pyaari
iski shaano-shaukat hai, saare jag se nyaari
din me ye lage dulhan, raat me lage dulaari
iski sundartaa ke aage lage, fikki duniya saari

bhaat bhaat ke log rahe yaha pe, raja aur bhikari
dhanwaan aur nirdhan sab hai, lakshmi ke pujaari
koi ban-na chahe cheeta, sher to koi shikari
par sab bane hue hai bandar, aur taqdeer madaari

aisi hai mumbai nagri hamari...
par phir bhi lagti mujhko pyaari.

7. Expectations.

This is something that (some/many) people wanna get rid off when (almost) nothing works.
Gosh, I should not have any expectations from anyone in Life. How could I expect such things from him/her when I was damn sure that I am gonna get disappointed.

This is also something which everyone wants to have it as an Integral part of life, though.
Many of us are like – Expectations – Desire - Dream – Vision – Goal – Target.

Sounds cool. I usually come across people who say, If there are no expectations there is no life.
If you won’t expect something from your loved ones, what is the point in calling them as your loved ones?

On the contrary, there are some who say Never Expect anything from any one. The biggest loophole here is such people don’t expect anything from anyone but on the other hand there is a big inner expectation (hidden) and that is no one should expect anything from me as well.

When I say about some such people and other such people, both the extremes (here) are ME, MYSELF. It’s kinda situational ME. In some situations I am the heads and in some, tails.

Are you (as a reader) waiting for the answer? Hey, but there should be a question at the first place.
Ok. Got it. The question coming out here is “Do I need to expect anything or no?”

Now, If I say NO. This will sound quite spiritual and if I say YES, some people (now here, literally readers) will say – Big deal man. That’s what I am doing. Why should I read it further?

Well, that’s true but I haven’t given any answer yet. Now, the answer which I am going to give is quite simple but may not make sense to some (may be most). I will say here, Do as you feel but make sure of one thing that you don’t have any regrets (forever in your life). The answer lies within. If I am expecting something, I should know that I am gonna get thru and that’s it !

6. Source Code.

One of ma friend says –
Life would have been more fun if we had a Source Code.
I told him –
Why do you want it? Aren’t you happy with the executable?
He replied –
I like to Debug and hack.
I told –
Better de-compile it into source code then.
He said –
Its obfuscated
I asked –
Do u mean u r unclear about urself?
Infact, I am asking myself here – Am I clear about MYSELF?
And even If I find the Source Code, am I gonna be clear ?

Monday, August 20, 2007

5. Missing.

I keep on hearing this term every now and then.
I am talking with reference to Missing some one.
While I am away from friends, they keep on asking me –
Dude, do you miss me?
Do you miss us?
Do you miss Mumbai?
I have just one reply. NO.

These guyz must be really wild at me after hearing this but almost all of them are nice enough not to react. They end up asking me politely – Why are you not missing us?

I reply – I feel so close to you that I fail to miss you.
I always feel you are with me, So how can I miss you?
If I miss you, that means you are not with me and I am not with you either. Well, obviously.

I don’t miss anything, anyone.

Still, there are some people who attempt to convince me that Physical presence and Geographical distance does matter. I feel sorry to hear this and more than that, I do not have any reply for them. I always live with a feeling and what I feel is what I experience. I always trust the self-experience rather than the stereotype definitions.

I always FEEL that I am close to my loved ones and I never THINK that I am missing them. I believe, Feeling comes from within and Thinking is a subject of mind.

Hey, Do you miss me?

4. Forgive.

Is life fair?
This Q used to come to my mind so frequently. Sometimes the answer used to be NO.
The same Q pops up still cos the mind is still the same ya. Now, the answer is always a YES.
There is no magic behind it.

I always used to feel when something (especially "negative" in general definition) happens, it's not because of me, it's a result of something done by some one else. The consequences were simple. I always wanted to take a revenge.

There was a feeling that taking revenge will make me feel lighter. I don't care about the loss. Just I want to feel lighter. That was the objective.

Further, I read some books - spiritual, philosophical et al. I realised that taking revenge doesn't cure anything. Infact, it does create enemies. What is the point in creating enemies? Whatever happened has already happened. Just have a big heart for them, go ahead and forgive them.

Sounds gud !!
I always felt like implementing this. Many a times I failed to do so. Still, I fail to do so. I have not taken up that responsibility of implementing it. Infact, I have a feeling that I should not implement this either.

There is something futher to it and which I have realised in past few years. Infact, I had been taught and I felt like realising it. When I forgive someone, the mistakes appear in front of my mind and what I am doing is forgiving those mistakes. What are mistakes?

Mistakes are something (committed by some one) as a result of which some loss(es) incurred in my life. Now, this is totally my definition oy mistake. It's not the generic one.

Anyways, the realisation here is I don't want to forgive anyone cos I don't want to see anything as mistakes. Infact, I want to work on this in such a way that I never use this word. Forgiveness will come into my mind only when I focus on this word.

Kindly forgive me if you think I have commited a MISTAKE in writing this.
PS: I said I don't want to use that word for someone else from me. Others are free to use it for me, isn't it :)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

3. Independence.

Today on the eve of Diamond Jubilee celebrations of our motherland’s Independence, most of the people feel happy and gay (but just for a day?) Since last sixty years, aren’t we Independent each day?

(Track change…..)
What kind of Independence is this when I still need a reason to feel the happiness? I am asking myself whether I am dependent on something to make me feel happy. The answer from within is YES. Does this mean that by nature, I am not happy? Whenever, I have nothing to do, what I feel? Sad or Happy? Whatever is the answer should be the nature as this is the default situation I am talking about.

Isn’t happiness by default?

Hold on, where am I going? Was I talking about Independence or Happiness? Well, I really don’t feel the difference. I am Independent and Happy simultaneously.

The feeling of Independence makes me feel a unique being. It proves my existence. Why were our freedom fighters starving for Independence? The reason is we wanted to prove our existence. We exist as an Independent nation and we need to show this to the world.

Why do I require Independence? It has to sound abstract but being Independence will make me feel Egoless. When I am independent in true sense, there isn’t any scope of competition and comparisons. I am content with my work, my life.

People into business may have a counter. Don’t I need to be dependent on my customers/clients? Those into Job will raise this query. Don’t I need to be dependent on my employer/boss?

The clients/customers are not doing business for me. I am planning my business and creating clients/customers. The employer/boss is not doing my job. I am working for that particular firm.

Well, Happy Independence. Rather, Be Happily Independent or may be, Independently Happy :-)

2. Words.

Today I had a word with God and I told him -
I am your past and you are my future.
(Don't worry you wont need to worship ME cos when I become God, I'll just be GOD and not I, not ME)

Don't React, just Act.
(Forget the 3rd law for a while)

There are few people who appreciate me. The rest are just jealous.
(How do you feel after implementing this?)

2 Rules in my life:
1. I don't have any rules
2. I strictly follow rule no. 1.
(Have you experienced that flexibility leads towards happiness?)

If I want to implement something on a regular basis (for instance, work-outs), then I believe it would work if I make it a habit rather than quoting it as a rule to follow daily.
(Habits have usually worked easily and willingly. For instance, Tea, Cigarrates et al)

Life is Wonderful, but a Ful (Fool) just keeps on Wondering throughout.

Don't live in life. Instead, LIVE LIFE.

When people don't count on your opinion in an organisation, start a new one.

I don’t want to just be a follower and follow someone for my entire life. I want to be a leader and lead my life.

Money is just a piece of paper if you don't spend it.

If your leave application is rejected, you are an asset.

Love and Logic are antonyms.

A Successful person is one who can delegate his mistakes as well.

If I CAN, I WILL and IF I AM ALIVE, that means I CAN.

If I am left without any choice, the only choice I can make is to ENJOY.

I am the sole director of my ideas.

I have no issues in investing life for earning money but when it comes to invest money for earning life, I take a backseat. What an irony!

Conceived as a Human, Born as a Male, Raised as a Gujju, Grew up to be a Professional and narrowed down further in the domain of "I". ... and "I" call this "PROGRESS".

If I realize that I am sipping in Poison, Is there a point in sipping in medicine, while still continuing to sip poison?

Assets appreciate, Life depriciates.

"Eye" may or may not have vision, "I" should have.

An "I" for an "I" makes the whole world heavy.

Most of the human beings have "eyes", few have "vision".

Each and every moment of my life, I crave
for "more" and at the end of it, I become
"no more"!

Its always best to be mute and if the craving
for talk starts irritating, self-talk is the
second best.

Happiness is a discovery; not an invention.

One second of "uncalled-for" reaction can
(rather does) result in losing the second

I am sole responsible to make sure that the life I dream of doesn't end up just being a DREAM.

I spend "Today" in earning for "Tomorrow" but I fail to realize that "Tomorrow" I would be certainly getting an opportunity to earn. Hence, why not earn for "Today" and LIVE as well, "Today".

Do I need to be happy with what I have or with what I am??

Rock the World... If not OUTER, then INNER.

Impossible says "I m Possible" but does Impatient say "I m Patient".

I slog in "present" for a better "future". Have I ever thought - when will "present" be replaced by "past" and "future" be replaced by "present" !!

One is not satisfied with One Car, One House, One Wife, One Billion cos one is not satisfied with one-self!!

Everyday I spend.... Money, Talktime, Heartbeats, Moments, Life... Of these, I worry about those that I can earn back and ignore those that I can't. Ironical, huh!

Do I judge a person by his nature or by his / her reaction to the situation he / she is undergoing in present?

Pain, when reaches extreme, gets broken into pieces and vanishes!!
PS: Do not try this with your physical pain and with other pains, try it at your own risk!!

Money earned, can be spent; gets diminished...
Happiness earned, can be shared; gets multiplied...

If I say "I don't find time", its me who has to find "time". Neither "time" will come searching for me, nor will people find "time" for me...

I keep believing that I m an ace game planner and an avid controller of the plan, failing to realise that I m a part of a much bigger game wherein what I plan is not controlled by me and wat is think of controlling may have been planned otherwise.

When opportunity knocks, its better to open the door rather than waiting for the melodious door-bell to ring.

If I say "I don't find time", its me who has to find "time". Neither "time" will come searching for me, nor will people find "time" for me...

I dream because I love the feeling, even though temporary; the reality is gonna be temporary either, afterall.

Why I alone?. If I go with this feeling, I will influence umpteen people around me who will align with this feeling. As a result, there won't be any RESULT. Yes, Even If I am alone! If I go with this feeling, I will influence umpteen people around me who will align with this feeling. As a result, Wonders would be created in No Time.

Am I driven by my action or other's reaction?

'Past' is like a rear view mirror of a vehicle in motion. Occasional and Timely glance is vital but a persistent view of it may get me in a serious trouble.

Some one asked me to send motivational quotes on Success...
I found this - "Success is to stop reading quotes about success and start working"

I asked for 'things' I didn't have so that I can enjoy 'life'. However, I got 'life' to enjoy 'things' that I had. 
(adapted from a quote by an unknown soldier).

To feel at home, sometimes I need to come out of my home.

I have few reasons to be sad but umpteen reasons to be happy and the former few reasons are overshadowed by the latter.

Spread Smiles. Share Happiness.

Widen the spectrum of prayers, Deepen the roots of faith

The waist size has to be M but the size of dream and vision has to be XXXXL ;-)

Ability to count the chickens before they hatch is called Confidence

We may be on the same page but are we on the same line? Did you read between the lines? ;-)

In a normal social definition, "Rich" is the one who has more. Then, who is Super Rich? The one who needs no more

I can either wait for an alarm from nature to buzz or set an alarm and focus on the fitness (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual)

It is necessary to comprehend "what is necessary"

Surreal Stuff: The future seems far and the past appears to be fast

1. Safalta - Hindi.

Josh ki Jwaala (aag) aur Hosh ki Hawa ke Mishran se Purusharth ke Tawe par Safalta ki rotiyan pakaane ka mazaa kuch aur hai..

Haan, aag itni tez bhi naa ho ki roti jal jaaye aur itni dheemi bhi naa ho ki wo pake hi nahi. Iske liye Hosh ki hawa niyantran ke liye zaroori hai... aur Josh ki jwaala ka astitiva naa ho to Hosh ki hawa bhi kya kare ?