Monday, August 20, 2007

5. Missing.

I keep on hearing this term every now and then.
I am talking with reference to Missing some one.
While I am away from friends, they keep on asking me –
Dude, do you miss me?
Do you miss us?
Do you miss Mumbai?
I have just one reply. NO.

These guyz must be really wild at me after hearing this but almost all of them are nice enough not to react. They end up asking me politely – Why are you not missing us?

I reply – I feel so close to you that I fail to miss you.
I always feel you are with me, So how can I miss you?
If I miss you, that means you are not with me and I am not with you either. Well, obviously.

I don’t miss anything, anyone.

Still, there are some people who attempt to convince me that Physical presence and Geographical distance does matter. I feel sorry to hear this and more than that, I do not have any reply for them. I always live with a feeling and what I feel is what I experience. I always trust the self-experience rather than the stereotype definitions.

I always FEEL that I am close to my loved ones and I never THINK that I am missing them. I believe, Feeling comes from within and Thinking is a subject of mind.

Hey, Do you miss me?

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