Saturday, January 17, 2009

4. pol-IT-ics.

noun: the profession devoted to governing and to political affairs
noun: the study of government of states and other political units
noun: the opinion you hold with respect to political questions
noun: social relations involving authority or power

These are the dictionary definitions of the word politics. Politics is everywhere and literally everyone is involved in it.

In any organisation (be it social or professional), there are aces, kings, queens, jacks, jokers and other cards. Again who is stronger and who is weaker is a perception as each card has a potential to overshadow the other. On the contrary, the status does matter but then again it’s volatile to some extent and dependent to a greater.

The beauty is to win over any situation, if at all I want to. Winning over a situation is about being a right person at the right place on the right time. I might be the best barber but what if I am in the town of baldies. On the other hand, I might be the worst of the lot but if I have a monopoly, no one can dare touch my profit. Another classic example is Olympics or any international sporting event. Every country sends their best sportsperson (national best) to the event but when it comes to a competition with other countrymen, he might just stand no where. He was the best in his well but probably not in the ocean.

Coming to professional world where politics is pretty much apparent, I have been in the IT (information technology) industry for more than 8 years now. Initially, I would feel that here there is hardly any politics but as I started deep-diving into the industry I started sensing the heat.

I would observe people cribbing about being understated by superiors or overshadowed by others. This would be the usual comment - “I am proactive in my work but am pretty much unnoticed.” There isn’t any hard coded solution to this. The repercussions are - Some end up believing – it’s a destiny while some take it up as a revolution by daring to quit and either join another organization or start a new one. There are some who feel that the grass just seems to be greener on the other side and hence I am better off here.

My superior is further answerable to his boss. Hence, he would always want to save-his-back. He seeks the maximum (applaud) and hence wants to extract maximum (work) from his juniors. This is pretty much natural. While working for a certain project for more than 2 years I realised that things were pretty much ok with me till the time I wanted to work. Once I started feeling stagnant and requested for a project change, I was let down in a positive manner. I was showed some carrots. I knew those were the carrots which I will never be able to eat. Hence I was adamant for a change. This was dragged for a couple of months since the appraisal period was nearing. I knew this was happening. I had two choices – either to motivate my self and work for the same project as a result of which I will be promoted or to forget promotion and stay adamant for a change. I chose to forget promotion.

It happened so. I was release from the project at the very month of appraisal. Neither I got any promotion (which was bound to happen) nor did I get any good rating and subsequently significant pay hike. In this very usual scenario which has happened with many of my professional colleagues, I have simply seen people crib about not getting promoted and released at the wrong time et al. I simply felt – It was my choice. Whatever happened was a result of my choice.

According to me, this conclusion can befit any situation. This industry is more like a business. I am not a slave. If I believe, I am a slave (a dependent poor chappie who has nothing in his control) I will always be one and consequently a victim of exploitation and so called politics.

There are 2 things about politics – either you play it or simply quit. There is no place for cribbers.

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