Saturday, November 10, 2007

1. Relation.

Relation is all about understanding. This is how the term "Relation" is usually defined.
Some of us may also say "Mutual Understanding".

It means, stronger the understanding between 2 human, stronger the bond; the bond of relation.

I question to myself, Do I really look for the understanding between both of us?
I don't feel so. What do I really look for is the other person should understand me and more he understands me, more stronger is the understanding between us. Probably, similar feeling comes from the other person as well.

Had it been that the understanding were between the 2 (literally), the PEACE would have never vanished in any kind of relations.

Why does a relation break? This is a usual question one feels like asking self after such thing happens. Imagine if the question would have been, With whom did I break the relation?
A very general answer to this is Relations are broken only with the person with whom they are built-up. I can never break the relation with a stranger. How can I? Relation didn't exist.
Next, Why did I built up the relation? It was because I liked him/her. Why did I break then?

The most simple answer - I don't like him/her anymore. There you are. So it's not the person that is the issue. It's the liking and disliking (which is my own). I can choose to like anyone and everyone in my life, no matter what.

Certainly, in a relation, there are difference of opinions, clash of some common things et al. Due to this, the conflicts do arise. This may also result into arguments and fights and then it's all over. The relation come to an end. This is what is normally seen.

Additonally, the commitments are taken of not talking to each other, not seeing each others face for life and what not !! Makes sense and truly this is the best thing, if this is not going to affect me. More percisely, this is absolutely alright if it is not going to create any damage forever.

Does this really hold true? No. Not really. Then what should I do? I feel that it was his mistake and he is responsible for everything.

Firstly, am I really looking foward for a solution. Yes, I am. To be very blunt, It's entirely my responsibility to work on the solution and solve the issues. Hey, but I am not responsible for the problems tht were created. Yes, but if it's me who want the solution, no one else but myself is gonna work on it.

Sounds absurd, huh !! Ok. Let me elaborate.

Do I feel that the other person is 100% responsbile for the problem created?
Yes, I feel so.
Am I sure? I am asking, Is he 100% responsible?
Umm, may be 99%.
That means I am ready to take 1% responsibility, right?
Well, yes I can say that.
Also, I want to solve this issue, right?
Well, yes but...
Wait... just answer in Yes or no.
If I feel that, I am 1% responsible and on top of that, I want a solution, Did I show up 1% approach from my side to solve this?
If the answer is NO, the clear conclusion is I don't want a solution.

Well, but I don't want to bend. I mean, why should I?
Why shouldn't I? Don't I do anything for my luxuries in my life? Don't I slog at office to make money? Don't I respect my boss to impress him? At such junctures, Do I ask myself, Why should I? Why, in relations, then?

It's all about perspective. You feel that you are bending but that might really not be the case. The other person might feel that you are so humble and egoless to approach and are striving hard to get things in place.

Does it really work?

Ofcourse, it does. There is a logical reasoning behind it. The breaking of bond was an accident, may be a small damage. It can always be repaired. If I show up the approach and If I really want the solution, anything is possible.

Also, the person whom I have started hating is still loved by so many folks around. Ok, but How does that matter to me? Is it not enough that he ain't good with me? Well, True but that doesn't mean he is no good. He might just not be good with me and that too, temporarily. He was always good to me. Just a small ding doesn't make me throw the car. My 1% can very well repair it. I am sure he is feeling bad about it and not in a position to approach. Why can't I do so?

While reading, this might sound theory. I always feel like implementing theories with a challenge to prove them correct :)

If I want to give LIFE to each moment in my life, I will do anything for it.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

1. Blogless.

I’ve enjoyed being blogless this month…. :)

Sunday, September 30, 2007

4. Future.

After a busy day at work, I feel like moving towards my home. Appear in front of my car realising that i've forgotten the car keys at my desk. Opening my wrist watch panel, I give a voice command which deactivates the keys at my desk. Anyhow, even if I left it activated (default), they can't work unless they recognise my thumb impressions. Still, just to be on a more safer side, you know.

Now, I open the doors of the car. How? Simple. A combination of voice and touch at the door handle.The steering sensors recognise my palm and the engine starts off. What if I take off my hands off the steering? Nah, thats not a way to stop the engine. It goes with a voice-touch combo again.

As I arrive in front of my house, the door opens. Yes, Automatically. It does a retina scan even without me knowing it. I step in the kitchen to grab some food. There is a display on the fridge (short name for refrigerator) which quotes that there ain't any milk. Also, it says that the fruits and juices are about to get exhausted.

I visit the supermarket in my neighborhood. No, I don't go there. The fridge display connects me to it. I order a few things and checkout. It says I need to be there anytime between 17 minutes to 150 minutes to pick up my order. Incase I dont reach there by 100 minutes, I will be reminded through a beep and display on my wrist watch.

Now, I feel like eating some popcorn. My microwave reads my pulse and suggests me to take 100gms of popcorn.It also recommends me, not to take coffee for an hour. Makes sense.

I release a voice command which hits the TV at the speed of 340 meters per second and the TV is on.Some kinda Music is been played as this is the default channel when the TV is switched on. I wanna listen to some news. I just say NEWS. There is some 20 different channels showing news. I select one.

Got a beep. It's time to go to Supermarket. As I switch off the TV, I get a display that I need to return the DVDs. I collect'em and rush to the Supermarket. Throw the DVDs in the return basket, collect my order from window no 3 and checkout using my thumb impression on the monitor where the bill is displayed.

Come back home and cook food using the pre-set microwave program. After that I switch on the music system and sit for my dinner. The speakers are all around my house but the sensors have caught the motion in the kitchen andonly those are turned on. I wanna locate a particular track in my jukebox. I dont remember the words. I just hum the music and the track is located. It starts playing.

I finish my dinner and put all the dishes in the Dishwasher. It's pre-programmed. It's gonna wash and dry the plates/dishes/bowls et al in 30 minutes and dispose them the the tray behind it which will elevate and place itself on my kitchen platform.

I choose to move out of the kitchen. The lights are turned off as I move out (sensors) and meanwhile the dim lights in passage and on the floors turn on for the clear vision. As soon as I step in the bedroom, the lights and the speakers turn on. Oh! I forgot to switch off the music system. Neva mind, I just will give the voice commandto my speakers as have a built-in mic to understand.

As soon as I close my eyes and say Good Night, all the lights in my house go off and I am off to the world of sleep, where everything that seems impossible becomes possible.

I open my eyes and realise that it's morning time and I say Good Morning expecting that the TV in my bedroom will turn on understanding the command. But hey, nothing happened. I see the calendar and the date is 30-Sep-2007.

This is today. I am in Present. Where is the Future? Oops, I have left the Future in my Past (i.e the World of Sleep). Aaha!!

3. Notions.

I love to live with (my) notions. I feel, I exist. I wanted to write that Notions make me feel that I exist.The process starts here. How can something which is not me can make me feel about my existence?

Well, then what is MY in notions? Are they mine or they have become mine? If they are mine, then how come I don't have'em since my birth (built-in). Most of'em are either adapted or a result of some influence.

Are they harming me or anyone around? Well, at first look, NO. Analysing, I discover that sometimes they do.Lets say, I have a notion of not doing a particular thing. Now, at some point in life, there is a situation whereeveryone else around me is doing that thing and I also wanna do that. Suddenly I realise that I cannot do this cosI am into that notion. Everyone around me are aware of that Notion.

Cutting this short, Notion has built an Image for me. Dilip never does this. This is the line.Image is usually a result of the Notions. So far so good but as soon as I reach the point where I desperately wannado something but am stopped by Notion, what will be the outcome? Probability is high that I will get frust.

Is this what I thought while developing Notion? I just wanted to show my existence (through notions) and feel the happiness behind that. What did I find? Frustration?
Aah! but thats the opposite of happiness :)

Notion, I have experienced, leads to fights as well. How dare you say this to me?You cannot say this to me is a Notion and this is where the fight starts. Does it have a happy finish? Let me ask myself.

I always feel I cannot read during Night. Notion. I take a book (cos I feel like reading) and Notion says, you can'tread in night. So whats the option now. Go ahead and switch on the TV, dude. Did I read that watching TV is harmful?

Coming to Image, there is a good old 3 letter word hidden within. It's popularly known as EGO.Does it harm me? May be yes, may be no. If not me, then does it harm anyone else around? Again, yes or no.If it doesn't harm me and does harm people around, Do I really Care?

So many questions. Yeah. I like to ask Questions to myself and this is also a Notion.I want to be free of Notions as I love to enjoy freedom.

Let me think over on the next topic now as I constantly wanna keep writing. Notion, again :)

Friday, September 21, 2007

2. Goals - An Essay.

This is an Essay written for one of my friends on the following topic.

Personal Goals v/s Organizational Goals.

While I start writing this topic, I get a feeling from within that how I can distinguish Personal Goals against Organizational Goals. The reason is pretty straight.

When it comes to setting up my Personal Goals, I always consider myself as a part of some organization or the other. Organization here can be anything like Social, Family, Spiritual, National, etc. To elaborate, my Personal Goals are always related to the growth of the Organization I belong to, in addition to my personal growth.

Anyhow, In spite of such feelings, I would still like to go ahead and kind of distinguish the two, with an exception of blending them when required.

I do sound selfish when it comes to dedicating all my time earning money for my luxuries. Here, I am doing nothing for the Organization as such. All this is for a better life which I need to design for myself.

I could have done so many things for different Organizations I do or do not belong to. I could have helped the Government build up the infrastructure of my country. I could have helped the needy people in the society by dedicating some of my time and money. I could have helped my family for all their present and future necessities. I could have helped people to go ahead in Spiritual path by traveling and sharing some of the spiritual knowledge I have. I term that as the knowledge of Life.

If I earn a lot and pay proper taxes, I can go ahead and support the Government in raising funds which will eventually improve the infrastructure of the country. This will take care of one of my organization called “Nation”.

If I mint big bucks and take out some money out of it for any social cause(s), I can help the needy to reduce their worries. This will take care of my “Social” Organization.

Further, I can use those bucks to satisfy the needs of my family in many ways. I can support someone for Higher Education, some one for Business. This will take care of my “Family” Organization.

Above all, I can use my money for Spiritual growth of Self and others. As a part of “Human” organization, I have a feeling that Spiritual growth is essential and its all about Living Life happily and peacefully.

Hence, at this stage, I just have one personal goal as quoted above. I just want to make big bucks. The repercussion can lead towards achieving one, two or all the organizational goals quoted above. In that case, this essay would become “Personal Goals along with Organizational Goals”.

If I don’t have any other vision besides just making big money and design an ultra-luxurious life for me (not caring about anyone else), the topic still remains “Personal Goals v/s Organizational Goals”.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

1. Paryushan.

The 8/10/18-days of religious "CELEBRATION" as per jainism.

Paryushan, usually come during August or September each year. The dates ain't fixed as the schedule is set according to the hindu calendar. The no of days Paryushan lasts also varies. The reason being there are 2 main sects in Jainism - Shwetamber and Digamber.

The "Shwetambers" follow it for 8 days which are followed by 10 days of "Digamber". Many a times the last day of former is the first of latter. Some people do follow both the sects and hence for them the Paryushan is a 18 (or may be 17) day celebration.

Most of the jains (those who follow jainism are jains; it has nothing to do with which part of the globe they come from or what language they speak) plan to schedule so many religious things during this celebration. For some of them, It's just like other days of the year.

I am one of them. Why? No reasons. Its just a matter of my personal choice.

My folks ask me - ALL SET FOR PARYUSHAN?
I laugh to me and say, it's gonna be just like other days of the year. Some of them might be getting disgusted by this reply. There are some who say - ALL THE BEST of paryushan and I say - Well, Thank you and same to you dear.

Again, I smile and say to self, 3 words wasted. I am writing about paryushan and the irony is I have a question in my mind - What is Paryushan?

May be, Paryushan is a part of Jainism. Ok. Now, what is Jainism?
and if Paryushan is a part of Jainism, then why it is not Jainism and just a part of it.

Jainism is a religion. If its a religion, then is religion a part of my life?

If it is a part of life then is it something different than the way i live normally ?
Lets say its 20 percent of my life. Does that mean, the rest 80 percent is different?

A different thought.
Is Jainism simply a WAY OF LIFE and not just religion?
If, for me, its a way of life....
Doesn't that mean, all the 365 days are the way of my life, if i say i m a JAIN?

The Paryushan starts tomorrow (this is as per those who follow Shwetamber and both) but dunno when will it end - may be in a day, may be in 8 days, may be in 18, in 356, in 365 or may be it lasts FOREVER.

So, now Am I all set for paryushan? Let me ask myself.

Monday, August 27, 2007

10. Rules.

Why do I follow rules which are not formed by me? Ya, True. I shouldn’t.

How about the rules which are formed by the Government?
Oh yes. I need to follow them. Infact, I have to follow them.

What, if I don’t follow them? Hey, don’t even think of not following them.
Why? Aah c’mon; I might just be caught and have to pay for it and suffer as well.

If I am sure that I won’t be caught, will I still follow them?
How can I be sure about it?

Lets assume that somehow I am sure about it. What will I do then?
Ofcourse, I won’t follow them.
What why? Why do I follow rules if I am not going to be caught?

Can’t I follow the rules by my choice?
Yes I do; only if I have formed them.
What about the rules not formed by you but for you?
Again, why should I if I don’t like’em?

Just because they are set for me by the Government of the country which I stay in, Isn't it my responsibility to follow’em? Above that, the Government is also formed by me and I am very much a part of it. Hence the rules are actually formed by me, for me. Anyways, this is a different angle.

I feel that following the rules can set me free.
Wow! What’s that?

For Instance, Why do I buy ticket when I travel by any public transport?
If I am caught, I have to pay heavy penalty and I might also be jailed.
Well, Can I not buy the ticket with the feeling that I am paying for the services provided by the Government?
Similarly, Can I not pay taxes with the feeling that the money taken by Government will be invested in the infrastructure and other areas which will take the country further?

If I have a feeling of paying for the services, I will be free from the thought/feeling/fear of being caught. I will follow the rules by my choice. The rules will be mine.

Infact, those won’t be rules anymore. With such attitude, they will just become a way of life, a part of life.

Can I see beyond this and think of implementing the same with respect to family, friends, money, relations and love? Can I sense the feeling of freedom within the prison of world?

Hey, where is the Prison?

9. Walls.

These days, I have been feeling a lot about Walls. Not literally, though. I feel what kind of walls I am living in. You can consider these Walls as some boundaries in which I have tied myself.

Coincidently, last Sunday, I saw an Indian (Hindi) movie titled Teen Deewarein (Three Walls). Most of the movie has been shot in a Prison. It’s a story of 3 prisoners who have been sentenced to death penalty. The movie is pretty well-made and the story has been told in such a way that it’s difficult to take the eyes off the screen.

I would like to focus on the thoughts and feelings here; the thoughts, which flowed in during the movie and my feelings over a period of few weeks.

Repeating, what kind of walls have I been living in all my life? Are these the walls made up of family, friends, relations, money and love? One, two, some or all of them? Why do I treat them as walls? Have I created those walls? I am talking about the creation of ‘walls’ here. Family et al is always there. Again, Do I feel they are walls?

Am I bound by these? Yes. I feel I am.

“You guyz are living in the world of prison and We are living in the prison of world”. This was one dialogue in Teen Deewarein which made me feel what I should keep on feeling this moment, this moment (I wanted to write “next moment”, but as I started writing – it became this moment).

Yes. I feel I am bound by these walls. I have two choices.
Either I go ahead and break these walls or else I stay there and find freedom within the prison of world.

How? It’s quite individual. Probably, my next blog can say a little related to this.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

8. Mumbai.

a small poem on great mumbai.

mumbai naam ki mayanagri lagti mujhko pyaari
iski shaano-shaukat hai, saare jag se nyaari
din me ye lage dulhan, raat me lage dulaari
iski sundartaa ke aage lage, fikki duniya saari

bhaat bhaat ke log rahe yaha pe, raja aur bhikari
dhanwaan aur nirdhan sab hai, lakshmi ke pujaari
koi ban-na chahe cheeta, sher to koi shikari
par sab bane hue hai bandar, aur taqdeer madaari

aisi hai mumbai nagri hamari...
par phir bhi lagti mujhko pyaari.

7. Expectations.

This is something that (some/many) people wanna get rid off when (almost) nothing works.
Gosh, I should not have any expectations from anyone in Life. How could I expect such things from him/her when I was damn sure that I am gonna get disappointed.

This is also something which everyone wants to have it as an Integral part of life, though.
Many of us are like – Expectations – Desire - Dream – Vision – Goal – Target.

Sounds cool. I usually come across people who say, If there are no expectations there is no life.
If you won’t expect something from your loved ones, what is the point in calling them as your loved ones?

On the contrary, there are some who say Never Expect anything from any one. The biggest loophole here is such people don’t expect anything from anyone but on the other hand there is a big inner expectation (hidden) and that is no one should expect anything from me as well.

When I say about some such people and other such people, both the extremes (here) are ME, MYSELF. It’s kinda situational ME. In some situations I am the heads and in some, tails.

Are you (as a reader) waiting for the answer? Hey, but there should be a question at the first place.
Ok. Got it. The question coming out here is “Do I need to expect anything or no?”

Now, If I say NO. This will sound quite spiritual and if I say YES, some people (now here, literally readers) will say – Big deal man. That’s what I am doing. Why should I read it further?

Well, that’s true but I haven’t given any answer yet. Now, the answer which I am going to give is quite simple but may not make sense to some (may be most). I will say here, Do as you feel but make sure of one thing that you don’t have any regrets (forever in your life). The answer lies within. If I am expecting something, I should know that I am gonna get thru and that’s it !

6. Source Code.

One of ma friend says –
Life would have been more fun if we had a Source Code.
I told him –
Why do you want it? Aren’t you happy with the executable?
He replied –
I like to Debug and hack.
I told –
Better de-compile it into source code then.
He said –
Its obfuscated
I asked –
Do u mean u r unclear about urself?
Infact, I am asking myself here – Am I clear about MYSELF?
And even If I find the Source Code, am I gonna be clear ?

Monday, August 20, 2007

5. Missing.

I keep on hearing this term every now and then.
I am talking with reference to Missing some one.
While I am away from friends, they keep on asking me –
Dude, do you miss me?
Do you miss us?
Do you miss Mumbai?
I have just one reply. NO.

These guyz must be really wild at me after hearing this but almost all of them are nice enough not to react. They end up asking me politely – Why are you not missing us?

I reply – I feel so close to you that I fail to miss you.
I always feel you are with me, So how can I miss you?
If I miss you, that means you are not with me and I am not with you either. Well, obviously.

I don’t miss anything, anyone.

Still, there are some people who attempt to convince me that Physical presence and Geographical distance does matter. I feel sorry to hear this and more than that, I do not have any reply for them. I always live with a feeling and what I feel is what I experience. I always trust the self-experience rather than the stereotype definitions.

I always FEEL that I am close to my loved ones and I never THINK that I am missing them. I believe, Feeling comes from within and Thinking is a subject of mind.

Hey, Do you miss me?

4. Forgive.

Is life fair?
This Q used to come to my mind so frequently. Sometimes the answer used to be NO.
The same Q pops up still cos the mind is still the same ya. Now, the answer is always a YES.
There is no magic behind it.

I always used to feel when something (especially "negative" in general definition) happens, it's not because of me, it's a result of something done by some one else. The consequences were simple. I always wanted to take a revenge.

There was a feeling that taking revenge will make me feel lighter. I don't care about the loss. Just I want to feel lighter. That was the objective.

Further, I read some books - spiritual, philosophical et al. I realised that taking revenge doesn't cure anything. Infact, it does create enemies. What is the point in creating enemies? Whatever happened has already happened. Just have a big heart for them, go ahead and forgive them.

Sounds gud !!
I always felt like implementing this. Many a times I failed to do so. Still, I fail to do so. I have not taken up that responsibility of implementing it. Infact, I have a feeling that I should not implement this either.

There is something futher to it and which I have realised in past few years. Infact, I had been taught and I felt like realising it. When I forgive someone, the mistakes appear in front of my mind and what I am doing is forgiving those mistakes. What are mistakes?

Mistakes are something (committed by some one) as a result of which some loss(es) incurred in my life. Now, this is totally my definition oy mistake. It's not the generic one.

Anyways, the realisation here is I don't want to forgive anyone cos I don't want to see anything as mistakes. Infact, I want to work on this in such a way that I never use this word. Forgiveness will come into my mind only when I focus on this word.

Kindly forgive me if you think I have commited a MISTAKE in writing this.
PS: I said I don't want to use that word for someone else from me. Others are free to use it for me, isn't it :)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

3. Independence.

Today on the eve of Diamond Jubilee celebrations of our motherland’s Independence, most of the people feel happy and gay (but just for a day?) Since last sixty years, aren’t we Independent each day?

(Track change…..)
What kind of Independence is this when I still need a reason to feel the happiness? I am asking myself whether I am dependent on something to make me feel happy. The answer from within is YES. Does this mean that by nature, I am not happy? Whenever, I have nothing to do, what I feel? Sad or Happy? Whatever is the answer should be the nature as this is the default situation I am talking about.

Isn’t happiness by default?

Hold on, where am I going? Was I talking about Independence or Happiness? Well, I really don’t feel the difference. I am Independent and Happy simultaneously.

The feeling of Independence makes me feel a unique being. It proves my existence. Why were our freedom fighters starving for Independence? The reason is we wanted to prove our existence. We exist as an Independent nation and we need to show this to the world.

Why do I require Independence? It has to sound abstract but being Independence will make me feel Egoless. When I am independent in true sense, there isn’t any scope of competition and comparisons. I am content with my work, my life.

People into business may have a counter. Don’t I need to be dependent on my customers/clients? Those into Job will raise this query. Don’t I need to be dependent on my employer/boss?

The clients/customers are not doing business for me. I am planning my business and creating clients/customers. The employer/boss is not doing my job. I am working for that particular firm.

Well, Happy Independence. Rather, Be Happily Independent or may be, Independently Happy :-)

2. Words.

Today I had a word with God and I told him -
I am your past and you are my future.
(Don't worry you wont need to worship ME cos when I become God, I'll just be GOD and not I, not ME)

Don't React, just Act.
(Forget the 3rd law for a while)

There are few people who appreciate me. The rest are just jealous.
(How do you feel after implementing this?)

2 Rules in my life:
1. I don't have any rules
2. I strictly follow rule no. 1.
(Have you experienced that flexibility leads towards happiness?)

If I want to implement something on a regular basis (for instance, work-outs), then I believe it would work if I make it a habit rather than quoting it as a rule to follow daily.
(Habits have usually worked easily and willingly. For instance, Tea, Cigarrates et al)

Life is Wonderful, but a Ful (Fool) just keeps on Wondering throughout.

Don't live in life. Instead, LIVE LIFE.

When people don't count on your opinion in an organisation, start a new one.

I don’t want to just be a follower and follow someone for my entire life. I want to be a leader and lead my life.

Money is just a piece of paper if you don't spend it.

If your leave application is rejected, you are an asset.

Love and Logic are antonyms.

A Successful person is one who can delegate his mistakes as well.

If I CAN, I WILL and IF I AM ALIVE, that means I CAN.

If I am left without any choice, the only choice I can make is to ENJOY.

I am the sole director of my ideas.

I have no issues in investing life for earning money but when it comes to invest money for earning life, I take a backseat. What an irony!

Conceived as a Human, Born as a Male, Raised as a Gujju, Grew up to be a Professional and narrowed down further in the domain of "I". ... and "I" call this "PROGRESS".

If I realize that I am sipping in Poison, Is there a point in sipping in medicine, while still continuing to sip poison?

Assets appreciate, Life depriciates.

"Eye" may or may not have vision, "I" should have.

An "I" for an "I" makes the whole world heavy.

Most of the human beings have "eyes", few have "vision".

Each and every moment of my life, I crave
for "more" and at the end of it, I become
"no more"!

Its always best to be mute and if the craving
for talk starts irritating, self-talk is the
second best.

Happiness is a discovery; not an invention.

One second of "uncalled-for" reaction can
(rather does) result in losing the second

I am sole responsible to make sure that the life I dream of doesn't end up just being a DREAM.

I spend "Today" in earning for "Tomorrow" but I fail to realize that "Tomorrow" I would be certainly getting an opportunity to earn. Hence, why not earn for "Today" and LIVE as well, "Today".

Do I need to be happy with what I have or with what I am??

Rock the World... If not OUTER, then INNER.

Impossible says "I m Possible" but does Impatient say "I m Patient".

I slog in "present" for a better "future". Have I ever thought - when will "present" be replaced by "past" and "future" be replaced by "present" !!

One is not satisfied with One Car, One House, One Wife, One Billion cos one is not satisfied with one-self!!

Everyday I spend.... Money, Talktime, Heartbeats, Moments, Life... Of these, I worry about those that I can earn back and ignore those that I can't. Ironical, huh!

Do I judge a person by his nature or by his / her reaction to the situation he / she is undergoing in present?

Pain, when reaches extreme, gets broken into pieces and vanishes!!
PS: Do not try this with your physical pain and with other pains, try it at your own risk!!

Money earned, can be spent; gets diminished...
Happiness earned, can be shared; gets multiplied...

If I say "I don't find time", its me who has to find "time". Neither "time" will come searching for me, nor will people find "time" for me...

I keep believing that I m an ace game planner and an avid controller of the plan, failing to realise that I m a part of a much bigger game wherein what I plan is not controlled by me and wat is think of controlling may have been planned otherwise.

When opportunity knocks, its better to open the door rather than waiting for the melodious door-bell to ring.

If I say "I don't find time", its me who has to find "time". Neither "time" will come searching for me, nor will people find "time" for me...

I dream because I love the feeling, even though temporary; the reality is gonna be temporary either, afterall.

Why I alone?. If I go with this feeling, I will influence umpteen people around me who will align with this feeling. As a result, there won't be any RESULT. Yes, Even If I am alone! If I go with this feeling, I will influence umpteen people around me who will align with this feeling. As a result, Wonders would be created in No Time.

Am I driven by my action or other's reaction?

'Past' is like a rear view mirror of a vehicle in motion. Occasional and Timely glance is vital but a persistent view of it may get me in a serious trouble.

Some one asked me to send motivational quotes on Success...
I found this - "Success is to stop reading quotes about success and start working"

I asked for 'things' I didn't have so that I can enjoy 'life'. However, I got 'life' to enjoy 'things' that I had. 
(adapted from a quote by an unknown soldier).

To feel at home, sometimes I need to come out of my home.

I have few reasons to be sad but umpteen reasons to be happy and the former few reasons are overshadowed by the latter.

Spread Smiles. Share Happiness.

Widen the spectrum of prayers, Deepen the roots of faith

The waist size has to be M but the size of dream and vision has to be XXXXL ;-)

Ability to count the chickens before they hatch is called Confidence

We may be on the same page but are we on the same line? Did you read between the lines? ;-)

In a normal social definition, "Rich" is the one who has more. Then, who is Super Rich? The one who needs no more

I can either wait for an alarm from nature to buzz or set an alarm and focus on the fitness (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual)

It is necessary to comprehend "what is necessary"

Surreal Stuff: The future seems far and the past appears to be fast

1. Safalta - Hindi.

Josh ki Jwaala (aag) aur Hosh ki Hawa ke Mishran se Purusharth ke Tawe par Safalta ki rotiyan pakaane ka mazaa kuch aur hai..

Haan, aag itni tez bhi naa ho ki roti jal jaaye aur itni dheemi bhi naa ho ki wo pake hi nahi. Iske liye Hosh ki hawa niyantran ke liye zaroori hai... aur Josh ki jwaala ka astitiva naa ho to Hosh ki hawa bhi kya kare ?

Monday, July 16, 2007

1. Selfish.

In present world, we come across a lot of people whom we term as selfish. Who, according to you gets this certificate/designation? Is it the one who thinks about himself and never thinks about others? Most of you will say, yes. Some of you might add something to it.

Have you ever asked your self whether you yourself fall into the same category or no?

I believe I am selfish. Besides, if I put myself in any other role, I feel I would still be selfish. Let it be a mother, father, husband, wife, friend, kid, nephew, niece et al.

You will directly come and hit me asking me how parents can be selfish. I would say they are at times. In our social structure, why isn’t a girl child encouraged much for studying? Just because she is going to stay with parents for a while and then move somewhere else. Why a boy child is never discouraged for studying? He is going to feed you man. How about a family where there are 2 kids of similar age. A boy and a girl. The condition is such that after graduation only one of them can study further. Who will be the best choice?

After reading this much, most of you must have already started cursing me. The reason is simple. Most of us think that being selfish is bad and no one likes to be called so; but isn’t this your own reading till now because I have never said so. Did I say that parents are bad because you are selfish?

Now, according to me, selfish is some one who first thinks about himself and then about others. Ask yourself, Isn’t this what I am? If not, then hats off.

Friday, June 22, 2007

4. Time & Money.

These are the 2 most vital aspects of life. Besides, they are inversely proportional. I mean, if I spend time you can earn money and if I spend money, I can earn some “quality” time. Once again my favorite statement: “Exceptions are always there” J

Lets focus on the term VITAL. Most of the folks (including me) do run for MONEY (vital #1) almost throughout the life. Whilst running, what they spend is TIME (vital #2). Ultimately, life comes to a period (full-stop). Did I really run for Money throughout? Or Did Money make me run after it?

So, where was LIFE? Just in the running mode?
An irony of the situation is such that I kept on running after one of the most crucial aspect and spend another important aspect in running and was searching for LIFE.

Monday, June 11, 2007

3. Celebrate.

I believe, one can always celebrate the following

Arguments (maybe!!)
Quarrels (crazy??)
Grief (huh!!)
Sorrow (weirdo!!)
Life (does it not include all the above??)
Existence (now, what is this?)
Being (does it not sound wacky?)
Add some more points.. (now thats what can be celebrated as well :) )

Thursday, June 7, 2007

2. Responsible.

I am sole responsible for everything (literally, everything) that happens in life.

I feel this is what I should believe. I am sure I don’t implement this 100%. This directly means that I don’t believe in this statement. Still, I have an inner feeling that one day I will start believing this and hence, implement it 100%.

Why do I feel that it is worth implementing that I am sole responsible for everything?

I have experienced that me taking responsibility makes me feel more relaxed. Sounds pretty weird, though. The argument is when it’s not my mistake then what is the point in taking the responsibility? In a verbal argument with some one, what will I do if I feel that it’s not my mistake? Probably, I will start blaming him and shall raise my voice. If I carry a diplomatic attitude, then probably, I will softly do the same.

In any case, most of the times, I will end up getting frustrated as things don’t turn up as anticipated.

Solution? Nothing. Just staying sad until the thoughts (related to arguments) stop popping up.

Had it been a case, where I had taken the responsibility. Probably, the other person would have not got too wild. If at all, he would have cooled off in few minutes. Certainly, he would have also faced the similar consequences (with himself) as written above.

What would have happened once he had calmed down? There would have been a discussion working around the solution to the happening. He would probably also realize that there was some responsibility to be taken by him as well (may be just out of his guilt of getting wild or may be in real sense).

If nothing, then too it doesn’t matter as you (anyways) have already taken the responsibility. Thereafter, the choice is yours. :)

1. Countdown.

The countdown has already begun since my birth. It’s the countdown of the number of heartbeats, the number of breaths and the number of seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years I am gonna survive.

If everything is countdown towards death, then what is the point in counting up the following stuff (throughout the life time)?

1. Number of complications. Don’t they increase as I grow up?
2. Number of enemies. I guess they do increase as well. “Enemy” sounds very rude, but those who interfere in my life, they are equivalent to enemies. Aren’t they?
3. Numbers appearing in our bank account. Now, I don’t mean that I should go down to zero and start increasing the numbers on negative side.

I would appreciate if you can add up some more points and increase the number of counts :)

Friday, May 25, 2007

7. Shootout...

A Review on latest flick - Shootout At Lokhandwala.

First of all, hats off to Gupta & Dutt for their firm trust on Lakhia (the Director) whose initial 2 films have banged big time. He has proven his talent here. Handling an out and out violent film isn't a cakewalk and treating it in a precise manner is all the more difficult. The support from Javed (Action) and Mohile (Background Music) is what has made the film, an edge-of-seat flick. Dialogues, though cliched, are not-too-bad. Songs appear at correct time and don't hamper the tempo of the film, which is a good sign. "Ganpat" is a nice audio treat. It's more better with original wordings (which they have censored on-screen) :)

Technically, Lakhia has very well taken care of the 1990's Bombay (now Mumbai) look. The old number plates and old car models reflect a commendable research work. The building exterior/interior are worth noticing. A couple-a-glitches (modern day clothing, maruti esteem seen somewhere) can be forgiven and forgotten though. The 1984 videos have been shown quickly but precisely.

Bachchan Sr is appropriate. The climax scene, where he asks a sensible question has been shot pretty well. Dutt is impeccable. He delievers a mind-boggling performance. Oberoi is re-discovered after Company (2002). He shines in Maya's role. Shetty and Khan have filled some light moments in the film. Although, some of those are a tight slap on social/political structure, esp the one where he scolds his kid. Bachchan Jr marks his presence in a very small role. Kapoor doesn't suit in Buwa's role. Deskhmukh, I feel would have been a better choice. Roy has acted well and has got good footage. Lakhia and Ahluwalia are wasted terribly. Ahluwalia has a good screen presence though. Gossain is better than Lakhia and Ahluwalia.

Coming to women, Singh leaves a small but nice impact in Aai's role. Mirza is Ok. Dhupia - What is she doing in the film? Chhabaria gets maximum on-screen footage but she has nothing to do except moving her hips.

Wrapping up, it's a well made film with a sensible conclusion. I am sure those who will go for sheer entertainment will get disappointed though.

My Verdict - 7/10.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

6. Mood.

According to me, Mood is nothing but the environment we create within and attempt to express in front of external world.

I am in the middle of some work and suddenly I feel like abruptly terminating the work.
This is not Mood. Mood comes in picture now. Here, I might choose to either continue work or terminating it. Of course, it also depends on how important the work is. To start with, let us assume that the work is important. I might continue doing work but probably with a dislike as I am actually not feeling like doing it but am forced to.

Still, what is mood?

Feeling (Feeling like or Not feeling like) can be termed as mood. If I can carry on doing the same thing with the same feeling, then I can say that I am in Mood (default term for good mood).

It might not be in our control whether to do the work or no but it is surely in our control how to do it. If I am forced to do the work, I can do it happily or unhappily. That is an absolute choice.

I am not in a mood to write anymore. Also, it’s not important to write. So, no need to work about the priority of work. Hence, I’ll prefer to follow my mood :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

5. Discount.

It feels so good to bargain and get discount when I go to some store for purchasing the comforts and luxuries of life.
Discount makes me feel more proud when I come to know that some one else has purchased the same stuff for more.
I believe almost everyone will agree with me. Everyone likes Discount.
You know there are some things which can give discount in your lifetime. Nopes, I dont intend to say "Once in a lifetime discount".
I mean, let s say, if you are going to live for 80 years, there are somethings which will give some %age discount and you can endup a fewer years earlier.
Almost all of us know about these things. Yes, I am pointing towards Tobacco (Cigarrates/Cigar/Gutkha), Alcohol, Narcotics et al.
Many people don't like to consume as they are not interested in such discount. How foolish are they? How can one stay away from discount?
But yes, there are many "sensible" folks who go ahead and welcome such discounts. They are so much worried about the growing population on this planet.

4. Double Trouble.

Today Morning, I went to my friend's shop.
A gentleman arrived. He was looking pretty tensed.
We asked him what was the matter? He described the following incident:
"I was driving my Car. Suddenly a 3-wheeler cab aka Rickshaw came and banged the rear bumper of my Car. I was wild and turned back. The cabbie didn't get down. Hence I opened the door of my car and told him to get down and talk to me. We had a few arguments with each other. He was blaming me for hitting a sudden brake and I was blaming him for not keeping the safe distance. I knew that the arguments were endless and there would be no conclusion. It would be better to forget everything and rush to work. After puking out some anger and eating up the remaining, I turned back holding the steering wheel and was all set to drive further with a worry of the repair cost. Just before I start the car, I saw that the passenger seat was empty. Ofcourse, I should be empty as I was alone in the car but hey, where is my Laptop which I has placed on the passenger seat? For me, it was a bad bad day. Some one had stolen my laptop while I was arguing with the Cabbie"
Moral of the Story: One should ALWAYS switch on the A/C while driving a car (so that all the windows are rolled up by default) :):)

Monday, May 21, 2007

3. MAXimum Weekend.

This one was a real hectic. It all started off at 2200 on Friday Night (18-May-07). I had some plans for dining out with a friend but the place was un-chosen. I wanted to come back by midnight as I was planning to be up by 0600 on Saturday morning. We started at 2200 (from our House - Ghatkopar-E) and were cruising around in local vicinity for around 20 minutes thinking about the Venue for dinner. Finally, we chose to go to Meghdoot, Ghatkopar (W) which is famous for its Ambience and Food (esp Sizzlers). We had a great dinner and after finishing off at around 2315 started towards home sweet home.
By the time, we reached near our home it was approx 2330 and we thought that this is too early to pop inside the house. Hence, we implemented the thought of roaming around for a few kms. After heaps of talk and too much of driving we realised that it was already 0045. Soon, we headed towards home and by the time I went to bed, It was already 0115. I swithced off the lights thinking How am I gonna wake up at 0600. It was important to wake up as I had already commited my friends that we will be playing Cricket on Saturday morning @ 0630.
I was up a 0610 and got ready for the game thinking that shall take a nap in the afternoon to cover up the sleep.We played cricket (3 8-over games) till 1030 and went to Popular (a restaurant in Ghatkopar - E, where food is cheap and extremely good).We were 15 of us and had heavy snacks including Idlis, Wadas, Dosas, Cheese Sandwiches and above all Maaza :) Reached home at 1200. Planned to take a shower and sleep for a couple of hours followed by late lunch but destiny had some different plans.
Just before the shower, a friend of mine called me and ask me if I can take him to Wadala (RTO) with him. I agreed. After my shower, I got ready by 1315 and went to pick him up and we started riding towards Wadala. Reached there by 1340 andafter finishing the work there, was back home by 1500. As soon as I entered by bedroom, I heard a song. Oops, my cell was ringing.It was my BIL who was planning to go to Rabale (near Airoli) where I had given my Car for repairs. I had a quick lunch andgot ready by 1530. Now, the Rabale plan was cancelled and I was like I should take a nap for couple of hours.
As I was putting my cell on Silent, there was a in-call flashing. It was my friend with whom I has not talked since long. Hence, I took the call and the conversation lasted for 30 minutes following which I started scanning the newspaper and put on some muzik. In another 15 minutes, again I had a call from a friend asking if we can hook up that very night. I was game. After that I did some Salsa practise at home and then got ready and headed towards Salsa classes which were scheduled between 1900-2000. At 2000, there was a AGM scheduled at the society premises of my another house, which is in TilakNagar.I reached there by 2015 and realised that it was postponed. I thought of going home. Ideally, I should have slept as we hadplans for Juhu Beach on Sunday morning. This was planned by the Cricket gang after the Popular Brunch.
3 out of 15 had dropped out and the remaining 12 including me were game for the same.
As soon as I reached home, I realised that I have to get ready and meet the friend of mine who had called up in afternoon. So Sleeping plans postponed (again !!). I took a quick shower and was ready in 45 minutes. We left at 2200 and went to Hiranandani, Powai. Entered Pizza hut at 2230, grabbed a couple of Pizzas and Masala Lemonade. Left the Hut by around 2330 and after burning some fuel in the vicinity, reached home by 1300. Finally, I was on bed at 1315.
Come Sunday Dawn. The Cell rang at its loudest at 0510. I had just 15 minutes in my hand as we had planned to meet at 0530.2 Cars. 11 folks (1 dropped out at last moment). Time - 0545. All set to cruise on the shining empty streets from Ghatkoparto Juhu beach. It was a pleasure driving in the morning. Touched the beach at 0625. A beautiful morning. Soothing breeze in the Mumbai Summer was a great relief.
One of our friend (staying in Parle-E) joined us directly at the beach. 12 people made a proper team for Volleyball. 6 a side.Played 3 Volley ball games. The watch was still showing 0745 :) After that, we started Cricket (which is still considered asReligion, Although GODs keep on changing). This time it was Box Cricket, though. It was almost 0930 after a couple of games.At this point, everyone was hungry. Immediately, we wrapped up and cruised towards ShivSagar, Parle-W. We fueled ourselves withdelicious snacks, including KanchiPuram Idlis, Mysore Dosas, Uttaphams, Filter Coffee et al. There were no further plans as such but everyone wanted to still flow in the fever-river.
Hence, we planned for a movie. The only issue was 2 guyz (one from parle-E and other with Car) had some other plans. So here,we were left with 10 dudes and 1 car. But that didn't hamper the plans. A few got a car drop till Fame Adlabs, Andheri-W following the Car which I was driving. Reached fame by 1045 and booked tickets for "Life in a ... Metro" - 1115 show. We were out of the Cinema Hall by 1345. Everyone enjoyed the movie. For me, it was a repeat watch. Still, I did enjoy.
We chilled out in City Mall (same place) for around 15-20 minutes. Now, we were 10 ppl and 1 car. 3 folks were from same family.Hence they hired a Rick (a 3 wheeler Taxi) and the rest of us sqeezed in the car. I entered my home at 1500. The fuel tank wasdemanding some more intake. Grabbed a banana and started scanning the newspaper. It was almost 1545; time to get ready for my Salsa classes, which were scheduled at 1700 for an hours time. I took a long shower, shampooing, conditioning et al. I was ready by 1635 and the we 3 friends left for the classes. I was totally exhausted. I knew that that was not the end of the day as I had some plans for late night as well. Huh !!.
There was a breathing space of 4 hours though as I would come back from the classes at 1830 and had nothing to do till 2230. Again, the Screenplay of destiny had mentioned some other stuff. My Car mechanic called me up and told that he will meet me@ 1900 and handover the car which was pefectly ok now after the repairs done. Once again, napping plans were postponed.
I beleive, Sleeping is the only thing which comes at priority while postponing things :)
I reached the venue planned for Rendezvous with the Mechanic @ 1900. He came in a while. We took the test drive. Everything seemed to be ok. Still, I had time for nap. Suddenly, I had a head-on with couple of my friends. They were just strolling down the streets. Another hour passed by talking with them. By this time, my friend (with whom I had to go out at 2230) wasfree. He joined us and we four of us headed towards my apartment in my car. The objective was to gulp in some bhelpuri-sevpuri@ Murli bhelwaala (the famous bhelwaala in my area). It was almost 2215. Adios to the 2 friends. Rest of us went to ourrespective houses to take a shower and get ready. Together at 2315 again.
Drove down to Mocha, Bandra-W. No, not me. It was my friend who drove. Reached mocha by 2345. Ordered a Sandwich, a Coolerand a Kitkat shake along with a Hookah. I desperately needed a sleep now. Left Mocha at 0130 and reached home by 0200. Both of us were feeling so sleepy that we were constanly speaking loudly on our way to keep each other awake.
That was the end of a MAXimum weekend which included 19 hours of active saturday and 21 hours of energetic sunday.

Friday, May 18, 2007

2. Shaadi.

Shaadi - A Hindi Poem on Marriage

shaadi ke baare me, aapka kya khayaal hai ?
mere kunwaare dosto ka, ye mahatvapurna sawaal hai
koi kahe lajwaab, to kisi ka bura haal hai
is ajeeb si duvidha ne, kiya kunwaaron ko behaal hai

wo pooche, kya ye koi, jaadu bhara maaya jaal hai
ya phir koi sangeet jisme, madhur sur aur taal hai
kaheen koi dukhi hai to koi aur khus-khushaal hai
aur jo kal tha mauj me, aaj usi ke jhad rahe baal hai

main kahu, shaadi kya, saare jeevan me ye kamaal hai
sukh aur dukh ye to, samay ki gehri chaal hai
tu agar dekhe to, kain dhani log kangaal hai
aur kisi gareeb ki jholi me khushiyon ka maal hai

par shaadi ka anubhav, apne aap me be-misaal hai
do virodhiyon ka milan, ek talwaar aur ek dhaal hai
apne aap me gar lad pade dono, to jeevan me akaal hai
gar dono samajh ke rahe, to anand me guzre har saal hai.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

1. So What?

Ask yourself.
Am I really doing what I want to do in my Life?
Am I really being what I want to be in my Life?
If the answer to both the questions is yes, there is no need for you to read this blog further. It’s gonna be a waste of time.
Further, I would like to tell you that even if the answers to your Questions is No, I don’t promise you that after reading this you would be doing what you want to do and being what you want to be.
Still, if you choose to go ahead, it’s your choice.

What does life mean to me?
Well, you may think that this guy seems to be mad as he is the one writing a blog and asking question (and that too about himself) to the reader.
Ok. Ask this Question to yourself. So many answers will start coming out. Isn’t it?
See, again a question. Anyhow, you might have one or more of the following answers.
Hey, life means a lot to me. It’s all about loving my parents, spouse, kids, etc. It’s just about being together with near and dear ones. It has a lot to do with earning big bucks and maintaining a quality and standard. It means living happily and peacefully.
Some replies can be as short as having a dream job, having a great spouse, living a dream life & blah blah.
Are you doing all this literally and in true sense? Are you living your dream life?
Hats off to you, if your reply is yes.
Once again.. you can go ahead and stop reading further.

Have to or Want to..
Do you see any difference between the two?
Make a couple of statements to yourself.
1. You have to go to office.
2. You want to go to the party.
Where are you going to enjoy? The obvious answer would be party.
Have a bit deeper though on this. What if you have to go to the party? You think, you are going to feel happy? Take another situation – You want to go to office. There are some situations where you really want to go to office. For instance, you are expecting a promotion letter or a letter of salary increment.
It sounds theoretical but it works. Attitude counts. “Have to” is ruled by external force and “Want to” has a relation with willingness.

Running on a treadmill?
Money is the most important source of happiness. This is a very common statement. I beg to differ here. Money has nothing to do with happiness. This is what I believe.
I made this statement in front of one of my closest buddy and he says:
“To a certain extent, I feel that I have reached a stage where I realize that money is important - but not as much as I thought maybe even a year ago. Probably as I grow as a person I will realize the trueness of this statement even more and realize that money is all but means. It doesn’t have too much to do with happiness. I guess there has to be a point where you draw a line telling yourself that this is enough for me and anything over this is just a bonus and that bonus will not rule my life. I will rule that bonus. I will take it if I feel like and otherwise I won’t. My life will be only towards achieving that much where I have drawn a line. The time of my life that I get after achieving that is mine and I will not waste it in useless activities like making more money.”

Drawing a line is a very difficult decision but a very simple choice. If I sit back and plan to decide, my thirst is never gonna quench. It’s just matter of making a choice.
Wherever I choose, I can draw a line. Of course, If I want to draw a line and If I don’t have to draw a line.
This line is amazing. I’ll take it if I feel like otherwise, I won’t. This is the impact of choice.
Here he has a very practical question.
Do you think that “NO MONEY” situation can also make a person happy in today’s world?
Money is important and of course very important but only for physical comforts, materialistic pleasures & luxuries but when it comes to mental and emotional situation, money stands almost nowhere.
Let’s say u have a sudden rise of 30% in your salary. That will make you happy and you might start thinking of possessing some things like a new car, plasma TV etc.
This is just a thought. A thought of possessing a car or plasma is something which starts making you feel happy. The focus here is on the word THOUGHT. This is just temporary as your thought is not gonna last longer. Either some other thought will over shadow it or else you will go and get those things (physical satisfaction of possessing things).
Physical satisfaction is for ever since you have the stuff in your name.
What about mental state?
Imagine, you got a brand new Mercedes and you are not gonna tell anyone (NO ONE) about it for a months time. For that entire month, are you gonna stay completely happy? NO? Come on, you got your dream car in your own possession! Ok, physically you are happy but what is your mental state?
If money could make you happy mentally, then after getting a car (from that Money), it shouldn’t really matter if you are telling any one or no!! In any case, you ought to be happy.

All your life you have run after money and purchased a dream thing with that money but still, you are not happy? Your happiness did start with a thought and it ended in a thought. You always said that I am earning money for happiness. You earned money but did you earn happiness? Analyze this. It’s like you are running after something to achieve something but you still are more or less at the same place where you started off. Isn’t it similar to running on a treadmill?
Many people leave this planet with loads of money and asset. What can they take with them? Absolutely nothing. Am I right? Had you earned a lot of happiness, it would have made you satisfied.
Most of the people are unsatisfied at the time of their death. Why? The reason is their life was not satisfied. If you live a happy and satisfied life, I am sure you gonna die with utmost satisfaction.
Have you ever though on this statement. "I DON'T WANNA DIE RICH"
If you don’t wanna die rich, you can live rich in absolute sense.
If you live with richness in happiness and satisfaction, you are surely gonna die rich but rich in terms of happiness and satisfaction.

Mental Happiness
My friend asks me a question.
Can you mentally be happy without being physically happy?
Case I: Your wife is very ill and you do not have enough money for her treatment.
Case II: You don't have money to give proper education to your kids.
How will you handle these cases above physically and mentally because of the absence of money?

Yes. I think one can be mentally happy without physically being happy.
We see a lot of people around who really don’t have excitement or in other words, hunger for luxuries like bigger car, better house, etc. They are always happy the way they are. They never feel that Life is a compromise.
Now considering your cases,
Such situations may arise. After all, it’s all apart and parcel of life.
In your situations, you feel like if you had money, there wouldn't be a problem. Right?
What if wife is very ill and you do not have enough TIME for her treatment.
Time in the sense, husband-wife are at a pretty remote village on their vacation and something happens. Due to the Time constraint, situations might get worse. Rarely happens, but yes does happen.
Let’s say, Time and Money both exists but what if there is some more unfortunate stuff coming on its way. For instance, Doctors are on strike.
Lastly and most importantly, if everything is ok, then is there a 100 % chance that the illness will be recovered?
It might still look like, besides money factor all other situations are more or less theory.
I am not defending the unavailability of Money here. That is going to be there. I am just putting a few more situations where in even money can't be helpful. But ultimately yes, I agree that a rich fella would get a better, timely and sophisticated treatment compared to a poor one.
In case of education, What if u have good money but u r in a place like Cyprus where in even if u throw a million bucks, u cant give a better quality of education to your kid.

More Money = More Secured life. This is the common funda.
According to me, money gets you into more insecurity at times. Money brings a lot of issues in life.
The first and foremost is mental stress (along with “mental relief”). Quite ironical, yet can be proved.
It s like every action has an equal and opposite reaction. :-)
Insecurity increases when you have more money. Sounds fishy, isn't it but you can see some examples.
1) Tycoons have to be guarded almost always (reason - to be more secure). Hey don’t they have more money than a common man who doesn’t require any guards.
2) More richer you get you have to have more insurance policies and bonds etc. Reason – It adds to your security.
3) Thinking at a mental level - let s say you have 50K, then you would carry your self with worries about your 50K. What if you have 500 Million?
You potential of losing (bucks) increase. If you have 50K, no one is gonna snatch away 500M from you. It's not possible.
Of course, those 50K mean a LIFE to you but here I am only talking about mental insecurity level.
Hence, who needs more security in life? The obvious answer is the one who is more insecure. So, Insecurity increases when you have more money.

I am known for asking weird questions. I recently asked a question to a set of people.
When will you be happy? This was the question.
I got very interesting answers. Few of them are as follows.
1) When I get married.
2) As soon as I change my job.
3) Once I go on a long vacation.
4) After I become a General Manager.

I noticed that each one of them saw the happiness in future. All of them saw happiness as a destination. I consider happiness as a journey. I am happy NOW. I was looking for this reply. I wasn’t expecting though. I firmly believe that if I am happy NOW, I’ll be happy for ever. There is a logic working behind it. The only time I can live is NOW. I can neither live in past nor in future. In the next fraction, NOW will become past and the forthcoming fraction of NOW is future. Hence, if I choose to stay happy NOW, I am committed to live happy forever. Come what may.

Living is present is nothing but Living NOW. You may think what a big deal is this? I am very much living now. Let us analyze this more practically. We spend most of the time thinking about something or other. Thoughts are either from the past or for the future. So, are you living NOW? The past is gone and the future is uncertain. You may ask what about our future planning. I do not disagree with that. Ask yourself, what is the definition of planning? How far or near do you plan and how much do you work on your plan? If you plan your work and work 100% on your plan, I believe your planning is appropriate. What happens in a real life scenario? Planning is more about pondering on thoughts. To be crude, most of them are foolish.
The definition of foolish is subjective. If you plan a work and don’t work on that plan you end-up wasting time. I believe that is foolishness.
Literally, NOW is this particular fraction of time. Logically, NOW is the productive & constant output you give in your life over a period of time. NOW can be as small as making a coffee or as big as completing a project.

There is nothing like attempting to live in present or living NOW. It’s just living in present or living NOW. You may ask, how can I live now if so many thoughts come and hammer my mind? Thoughts are always gonna be there flowing in and out. Can’t help it. Control over thoughts sounds more of a theory. It’s doesn’t seem to be a logical solution. What is in my hands? I cannot stop the thoughts flowing in and out but I can surely choose not to go deeper in thoughts. There is no need to go ga-ga over it. Still, might sound theory. I agree. Practice is the key.

Living NOW will give you a feeling of being happy, content and satisfied.

My friend asks me: “What if the present situation is not very good?”
He adds: “Consider an example of a death or a fight or any other problem that you might be faced with. In such cases, is it always good to live the present? Probably, time is the best healer and maybe to think about the future is not a bad idea. Our thoughts keep flickering between past and future – they are not always focused on the present but in a way your future is dictated by your present. Hence, living in the present is also quite warranted if there is some action that you do NOW (present) which is good for NOW (present) and which might not be so good for later (future), then it would be very difficult when that future becomes your present and then your thoughts would rather be involved thinking about the past when you took that decision. So, it is a thin balance that one has to strike.”

The above sentences are thought-provoking.
Ultimately, if you wanna be happy you just have to BE. No matter what.
If the present situation is no good and thinking about future makes you happy, I feel it’s absolutely perfect. Still analyze deeper and ask yourself:
Does that fetch me satisfaction and happiness from within?
If the answer is no, then the logic is simple... if u r not happy and satisfied now, what are the chances that you would be happy and satisfied in future.
I mean, can the same kind of mentality fetch you happiness and satisfaction.

Most of us have as less as one or as more as infinite dreams. Dream is an idea about having something (or rather being something) which doesn’t exist in present.

What you have today can't be your dream?
If I ask you, what is your dream job? The answer might be – My dream job is to work with XYZ Corp which is the best one on this planet.
Hello! Where are you? STILL FINDING HAPPINESS!!
You may say NO. I am happy but am looking for something better as I am quite ambitious. Does craving about some thing better make me ambitious, always?

If your present life is your dream life.
If your present wife is your dream wife.
If your present job is your dream job.
If your present friends are your dream friends.
How do you feel? Quite satisfied and content, isn’t it ?
Some of you might disagree and still say that in saying so, I m narrowing down my ambitions, stopping myself from earning money, happiness, etc
I would say that is the fact. You are right in saying so but the whole truth is:
I want to be ambitious because as a result of that I will get happiness
I wanna earn money and just RUN after that because as a result of that I will get happiness.
That is the mindset. But how long is this race gonna last?
Just analyze this with self.
My duration of Running < running =" My"> My duration of being (& staying) happy?
Still ok buddy. You are still gonna enjoy life

Here comes the last one which is the bitter truth for most of us.
My duration of Running (almost till the end of life) >>>>> My duration of being (& staying) happy (almost zero)?
WHAT A WASTE!!!!! Did it make any difference if you lived your life or didn’t?

Most of the times, we worry our physical health. Where does this “worry” scene appear? It appears in our mind, right? When our mind is unhealthy, does our physical body take pain to think about it? No. It’s again our mind who takes pain. Imagine the situation of our mind. If anything goes wrong, it’s the mind that is the centre of problem and also the centre of solution. So whose health is of more importance? Doesn’t it prove that staying mentally fit makes you an overall fit person.

One of my friends told me once: Life is a timepass and we all are waiting for death.
Timepass is a term usually used for the things which we do to kill our time. Basically, it’s killing time but that looks rude. Hence, according to him, Life is all about killing time. I was quite surprised at this note at I thought it was pretty absurd. When I really looked into it, I found that it is so very true. Life is just a timepass. I felt the there are so many things I have “achieved” in my life. What if I haven’t achieved them? I am sure I would have done something else. What if not something else? Some other stuff than something else, true? What for? I had some time in my life and I wanted to do it to spend (rather, kill) my time.

Life is all about various chapters that we are looking up to open and close. When we get frustrated or irritated or saturated with one chapter, we feel like closing it and opening a new one. Why are we happy when we are into our academics? The reason is we know the fix duration of that chapter. I am gonna study for 5 years. That’s it. What after that? When we take up a job or get into business, we don’t have any duration for that. All we crave about is money. Of course, we do crave for work satisfaction as well and this is what leads to frustration. At some certain point, job becomes frustrating. The main reason for this dislike is the craving for money is not intense. Besides, there was no fixed duration, no particular motivation for doing it. This leads to frustration. What the hell am I doing this? I need a new chapter now. Probably, I should get married or else I should study further so that I can give a new direction to my life. What will happen after you get married? A new chapter of your life begins. How long can you stand this newness and the excitement related to it? There comes a point where you think you need to extend your family. In this process of switching chapters, you tend to close your book. Do you realize that?
I am not telling you to stay away from marriage or family. Let us come to our point. Our point is all about living a happy and satisfied life. Do anything that can make you happy.

When do you think you can go beyond limits? If you break the rules defined by society, your folks will tell you that you have gone out of your limit. The fact is something else. If you feel something is wrong you would prefer to stay in limits but if you feel that whatever you are doing is ok, probably, you would love doing it. Let us take a simple example. You like to drink beer. If you feel that it’s a good thing to do, you will not have any set limits for it. You folks might have just because they think that this is not good. Hence, whatever is good usually doesn’t have any limits. People usually curse the characters who are criminals for the crime they do. They say to each other – “Doesn’t he realize that there has to be a limit for such things.” He is not going to realize it until and unless he feels it is bad, it is to be avoided. Once he feels so, the limits will be set.

I believe – “Everybody has a Demon within. Most of the people just not let it come out”. There might be several reasons for not letting it come out. Some people might have fear of god where as some might think it’s a sin. Some do think how he will be looked upon.
Let’s take an abstract side of it. Consider for example that rape is not a crime. In fact, it’s a good thing to do it. As I told you, this is just an abstract point. Now, imagine what will be the outcome? The whole idea is that. Things are just looked upon from the view-point of their outcome. If I commit a crime, I will get the punishment. Just because we are afraid of the punishment, we don’t commit it. Analyze this.
If you are doing something unethical and not being caught, you are ok with it. Those who are not ok will be so because they think that if not now then I might be caught later and if not later than for sure in god’s custody. Killing an ant is a crime in one of the religion and hence, people don’t kill it because they fear the consequences and not because they love ant. If they really do so out of their love, I really would love to appreciate it and touch their feet for the same. On the contrary, had it been love, they would have never hurt anyone’s feelings.

I don’t believe that killing some one is just putting an end to his life. Killing some one has a lot more to do besides that. I might be killing some one every moment. The killing happens at mental and emotional level as well. We just don’t fear it because it is not a said crime. The outcome, though, can be as much as or even more than the physical killing. We always say that our body is controlled by our mind. If I am attacking and killing the mind i.e. the mental and emotional state, am I not killing the person?

Many a times, we say to ourselves that I am in such a pathetic situation that I am dying each second. It sounds difficult to digest, but it is more or less in a true sense. We do die numerous times in our life. Some of the times we don’t realize it. Many a times we do realize but either we can’t do anything or we don’t want to do anything about it.

Gossip, according to me is nothing (literally nothing) is a discussion about someone (who is not physically present) and the outcome is happiness if that someone is into some issues/troubles/complications and is jealousy when that someone has achieved something or is just happy. What you pretend might be totally opposite of the outcome.

Whenever we talk about gossip, we target at women. It is not the fact. Gentlemen do love it and like getting involved into it but just like to pretend that they are far away from it.

What is routine?
This cycle is nothing but routine. I feel you enjoy this routine. If no, then read on. Let me first tell you that it is not going to change after reading this. Yes, you can change the view-point and you might feel it is changed. View-point, here is nothing but adding some spice to routine. You would say that I can add spice in my food but how do I do that in my work? It’s not difficult. You can do a lot of things. For instance, stand up and dance a few steps. “Are you crazy?” You will say this. Yes. I am crazy. If you don’t want to do so, it’s ok. You can just visualize yourself doing that. Can’t you? That will add the spice. Go to the bathroom. Look in mirror and laugh at your being. This will also add spice. All these are simple things which we seldom think about. Just a thought will add spice.

How s life going on? If I ask you, most of the times, you would say - “Just routine”. Is this the same you who once believed that every day is a new day and it should feel like I am achieving something each day and living each moment. This is a general statement. I have come across many friends in life who have thought the same way. Today, it has just become routine which eventually happens to be a very sweet way of saying that life has no charm and it’s just boring with all usual things.
I call this as an absolute Zero. Now, the question is: Is Zero a good or bad. Think over it.
After all, it is all about perception. There might be times when we think that our life is in a positive or a negative shape but finally, isn't it always at a zero anyways? Maybe it's true that the perception of it being a non-zero is good. But, all in all, makes no difference if we look at a larger picture i.e. bird's eye view of our life stand alone and/or as compared to the rest. Still, the question persists. Is Zero a good or bad? I feel Zero is neither good nor bad. It’s just a Zero. It can be taken in terms of NOTHING or also taken as CONTENT or can also be taken as HAPPY or can be taken as JUST GOING WITH THE FLOW (where life takes). Yes. I firmly believe that it's finally Zero always.
Zero can always save you from anything in life. I strongly believe that come what may, at the end of it, It's ZERO!!

A near-dear buddy of mine always tells me – Yaar (i.e. Dear Friend), everything is possible but have control over mind (thoughts to be precise) is impossible. I ask him, why you wanna have control over your thoughts. He says – Thoughts are killing yaar. They take you to heaven in a second and hell in another. They turn you wild. They make you feel pathetic at times. Saala, kya karne ka yaar? (Man, what to do?) I tell him – no need to attempt to control them. Just let them come and observe them coming. After that, just do what you feel like doing it. You can have multiple choices here. Just take a small example. You might feel like going to terrace and jump from there. How far can this thought take you? The farthest it can take you is to the ground via the terrace i.e. the farthest you can reach is you go ahead and implement this one. Are you really gonna do this? No. What will you do then? You will just start thinking about something else. How long will this though remain in your mind? Hardly a second cos by that time it would be over-ruled by some other thought.
Now, did you control this one? Actually, NO. It was just over-ruled by some other thought. Similarly, the things which you actually don’t want to implement will surely go away in no time. Let s take another example. You have a thought of switching on your television. What will make you switch it on? If you want to switch on, then only you will switch it on, right? Otherwise what will happen? Some other thought will attack and will over-rule it. Hence, I believe that there is absolutely no need of controlling the mind or restricting the thoughts flowing in and out. It’s just a matter of choosing what you want to do after that. The punch line is - “A thoughtless mind can never be thought of”. Mind is like time, always up and running.

Most of the people I come across tell me that they are quite flexible in life. Many times, I look into myself and ask me - am I flexible? I discover that I am flexible but immediately I add the following three words – with my rigidity. Merging, it becomes – I am flexible with my rigidity. Quite contradictory statement sounding abstract but yet true. Most of the people I feel are flexible with their rigidity. This is my personal opinion. You usually tend to make yourself comfortable. When you try to make others comfortable, what happens behind the scenes? You feel comfortable in making others comfortable. Isn’t it? What if you don’t feel comfortable in an attempt to make other’s comfortable? You will set the limits to your flexibility and what is that? You have a set (rather RIGID) definition of flexibility in your mind and you will not cross the limits. I believe this is nothing but being flexible with your rigidity.

Wrapping up, I believe that life will be moving anyways. Its my choice how am I gonna live it.
If I stand by my choice, its good and if not, SO WHAT?

Dedicated to my life - PRITI.

Special gratitude towards the powerhouses of my inspiration.
Dhiren H. Shah aka "SIR"
Hemal V. Botadra
Jimit P. Shah
Suchit A. Doshi
Vikas S. Kapdoskar